Arab News , the leading English daily newspaper published in Arabia, published Harun Yahya’s article “Mother’s milk has miraculous benefits" on January 30th 2015.
A protein that prevents tumors in mother’s milk: The HAMLET Protein
The formation of milk
Miraculous mixture: mother's milk
The first food of this world: Mother's milk
Countless benefits of fruits - III
The mother’s womb with its secure protection
The Miraculous Processing System in the Human Body
The Wonder of Mother's Milk: The Prolactin and Oxytocin Hormones at Work
The Invalidity Of The Claim That Mutations Miraculously Give Rise To Evolution
The invalidity of the claim that mutations miraculously give rise to evolution
The Mother of pearl and Damage Decrease
The mother's womb with its secure protection
The miraculous measure in tides
Mother’s Milk
Health benefits of movement, washing and drinking water
The Miraculous Atom: The Building Block of All Things
Miraculous taste that comes out from soil
What Has Happened to Muslims?
The Miraculous Design of Insects Flight
Reminder benefits only those who fear Allah
Mother Nature; An Irrational Concept
Racism Does Not Bring Any Benefit to Either the Arab or the Islamic World
Turkey and Russia To Benefit upon an Agreement on Visas
Forgiveness in islam And its Health Benefits