What He Said?What Happened?

In his conversation programs, Mr. Adnan Oktar said (about the livestock of our Syrian refugee brothers), “Let’s not keep those animals waiting at the border and take them into Turkey and provide care for them here.”

The Minister of Employment and Social Security, Faruk Celik, made a statement following this  and noted that the vehicles and livestock that belong to Syrian refugees will be accepted into Turkey.

September 26th, 2014: A9 TV

(Our Syrian brothers continue to pass the border. As well as many vehicles, thousands of livestock are waiting at the border. There are animals stuck here but the authorities are taking measures for there  care. They are trying to prevent animal deaths by sending bales of hay  and water across the borderline.)

ADNAN OKTAR: Let’s take the animals into Turkey if there is no risk of disease.

They are building a place for them as well there.

ADNAN OKTAR: There is no need to build a place. They can be taken care of along the border. They would not need anything. There is lots of grass at the border. Masha’Allah. They are so sweet. We can’t let anything happen to them. But the risk of disease is important; if the animals carry disease, they would pass it on to all animals in Turkey. They need to be examined first. They are probably cautious because of that.


September 27th, 2014: Radikal

Today the Minister of Employment and Social Security, Faruk Celik, stated that the vehicles and livestock that belong to Syrian refugees would be accepted into Turkey. Our Prime Minister, Mr. Davutoglu, gave an order to let the vehicles and animals cross the border. He said, “Starting from Monday, we will complete the acceptance of the vehicles and livestock that were left on the Syrian side.” In addition, it is planned that animals are butchered here and used for the refugees.