


"This prayer is for the Master of Our Times Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) and his appearance. It is prayed to God for his imminent appearance. It is especially said during the morning prayer and people pray for the well being of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)."


In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Praise is only for God Who is the Creator of the universes; May the salah and absolute greetings of God be upon His Prophet, our Master Hazrat Muhammad (saas) and his pure progeny.

Where is the Baqiyatullah (Mahdi) who is not out of the family of the true path and line (Ahl al-bayt);

Where is the one who is being prepared (by God) to neutralize those persecutors;

Where is the anticipated leader that will fix the heresy and fallaciousness;

Where is the guide that is hoped for who will abolish oppression and desecration;

Where is the hidden leader who will put the religious obligations and sunnah back into practice;

Where is the one who has been chosen to bring back the religion;

Where is the one who is hoped to revive the book (Qur'an) and its commands (the morality of the Qur'an);

Where is the one who will resurrect the people of religion and the religious teachings;

Where is the one who will shatter the majesty (grandeur) of those attackers;

Where is the one who will (spiritually) demolish the buildings (order) of idolatry and discord;

Where is the one who will (intellectually) destroy those who sin openly, the seditionists and the idols;

Where is the one who will cut down the branches of superstition and separatism (with science and reason);

Where is the one who will severe the webs of lies and slander;

Where is the one will honor the friends and abase the foes;

Where is the one will unite the words on piousness;

Where is the one who is the only door (the means to sincere faith) opening to God;

Where is the face (beloved servant) of God that the friends of God (saints) turn towards;

Where is the one who is instrumental in uniting the heavens and the Earth;

Where is the one who owns the Day of Conquest and rises up the flag of guidance to heavens;

Where is the one who will huddle together reform and contentment;

Where is the one who will be victorious against those who persecuted and slandered him;

Where is the one whose prayer is accepted when he prays;

Where is the one who is the leader of the creatures that have benevolence and peity;

Where is the one who is the son of Prophet Mustafa;

Where is the one who is the son of Murtadha Ali;

Where is the one who is the son of the high-ranking Khadija;

Where is the son of Fatimah az-Zahra?

May my father, mother and I be sacrificed in your name;

May my life be a shield against the troubles directed towards you.

O, the son of the elders who are close to the monastery of God,

O, the son of the graceful nobles;

O, the son of the followers of the true path who have found the path;

O, the son of the virtuous elites;

O, the son of the brave noble youth;

O, the son of the pure ones who have been purified;

O, the son of the selected generous ones;

O, the son of supreme masters,

O, the son of the illuminating full moons;

O, the son of shining lights;

O, the son of shooting stars;

O, the son of bright stars;

O, the son of the wide open paths;

O, the son of evident signs;

O, the son of absolute sciences;

O, the son of prevailing sunnah;

O, the son of conveyable (movable, communicated) teachings;

O, the son of existing miracles;

O the son of visible evidences;

O, the son of the Most Straight Path; *

*(The Most Straight Path is a title of Hazrat Ali)

O, the son of the Greatest News; **

**There is a reference to the Great News that is mentioned in the Surah an-Naba'.

O, the son of the one whose name is exalted in the Mother of the Books (the real Book) at the Sight of God;

O, the son of verses and visible evidences;

O, the son of the manifest, radiant proofs;

O, the son of sufficient evidences;

O, the son of plentiful blessings;

O, the son of "Ta-Ha" and "Clear Judgments" (the strong and sturdy ones);

O, the son of "Ya'sin" and " Adh-Dhariyat";

O, the son of "At-Tur" and "Al-Adiyat";

O, the son of the one who got as close as distance of less than the distance of two bows to Almighty God the Most Supreme;

It hurts my feelings that hardship and trouble always surrounds you (Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)) instead of me.

May my life be sacrificed in your name, O, desire in the heart of the one who longs for you,;

May my life be sacrificed in your name, O, the unprecedented commander of honor.

May my life be sacrificed in your name, O, the founder of the unreachable majesty and honor;

May my life be sacrificed in your name, O, the source of the blessings whose greatness is unreachable;

May my life be sacrificed in your name, O, the holder of honor of whom there is no match;

With which qualities should I qualify you;

With which tongue should I secretly pray for you.

It offends me that the people do not protect you; that troubles and sadness find you instead of others.

Is there a way for us to have the honor of meeting you? Will our today meet your tomorrow so that we can be pleased as well?

When will we have the privilege of drinking thirstily from your satisfying fountain?

When will we drink thirstily from your sweet water; indeed, the period of our thirst has become very long.

When will we be in your presence and when will our eyes be lightened with your visit every morning and evening?

When will you see us and when will we see you (Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)) waving the (spiritual) flag of victory?

When will we have the privilege of seeing you assume the leadership of the people and fill the earth with justice, have your foes taste (intellectual) defeat, (intellectually) scatter the arrogant ones, neutralize the persecutors and when will we have the privilege of encircling you saying "Praise be to the Lord of all the worlds (Alhamdu lillahi Rabbi alAAalameena)

O, Lord! You are the One Who remove the sadness and worries in hearts; the solution is in Your Sight. Come to the rescue of your humble servant who is in this whirlpool of troubles,

O, the One Who comes to the rescue of those who call for help; show them their master (Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)) and rid them of their sadness and misery. O, the Holder of Marvelous Powers; put out the fire in their hearts; O, God, Who is in the highest level of Heaven and Who owns the return and the result.

O, Lord! We are Your humble servants who long for the appearance of Your Saint (Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)) who reminds us of You and Your Prophet; You created him (Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)) as a shelter and a refuge for us; You rendered him a (spiritual) leader for those among us who believe. Convey him well-being and greetings from us; increase Your gifts to us with this; put us in the place where Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) is settled; complete Your blessings upon us by letting him in front of us; so that You include us in Your heavens and give us the privilege to be friends with the witnesses who are of Your pure servants.

...My God! Render the Truth permanent with him (Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)); banish superstitions; guide his friends; despise his enemies. Create such a link between him (Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)) and us that it gets us together with his ancestors. Make us one of those who entreat him and live in his shadow. Give us the privilege of conceding his rights on our necks, of working earnestly in our obedience to him and not straying from his command. Bestow his gratification upon us. Command his (Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)) compassion, mercy and benediction on us so that we can finally reach Your vast mercy and find the happiness from Your Sight.

Turn Your graceful face towards us, accept our intimacy with You, glance at us with the eye of mercy; such a mercy that we finally and absolutely reach the wonders in Your eyes through him (Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)); then do not take Your glance away from us with Your self-generosity and let us drink from the pool of his (Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)) predecessors with his grail from his own hands so thirstily that we will never feel thirsty again ever, O, most merciful of the merciful ones.
