The Hawaiian bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes and the bioluminescent bacteria Vibrio fischeri have a symbiotic relationship.The bacteria Vibrio fischeri, resides on the bottom of the squid’s mantle. Which is known as the squid’s light organ.
The squid spends the days hiding under the sand in shallow waters. When night falls, it goes out hunting and the bacteria in its light organ emit light. This light enables the squid not to be spotted and hunted by its enemies among the other lights that exist at night. This symbiotic cooperation involves many other striking features besides the extraordinary communication between the squid and bacteria. Research on the effects of this bacteria on various tissues of the light organ has shown that a special form of tissue exists in the bacteria V. Fischeri in order to allow it to be settled on the light organ of the Hawaiian bobtail squid. Furthermore, the squid changes its shape to help the bacteria to inhabit on its own body thus providing it with a suitable environment for residence. (Garry Hamilton, Insider Trading, New Scientist, Vol 162, 26 June 1999, page 44)
Bacteria emits 30 metres of light
The existence of light is very critical for the angler as it hunts at night also. Light causes the angler to be spotted by its enemies and at the same time enables its preys to escape. That is why the angler tends to hide when the moonlight is at its most bright or when there is artificial light. When the angler is certain of darkness in the air, its sets out to search for prey. Its main helper in hunting its prey which consists of planktons and small shell fish, is its own light The angler’s source of bright light, are the organs that exist just below its eyes. These organs are filled with bioluminescent bacteria that are nourished by oxygen and sugar available in the fish’s blood. (Harun Yahya, The Microworld Miracle).
This fish is capable of switching its light on and off, and can turn it towards any direction when searching for prey. The light generated by bacteria is so powerful that it can spread to a visible distance of 30 metres. The light generated by a single angler is enough to illuminate a whole room. The light emitted from bacteria is so effective that even hours after the fish is hunted and killed, the light organ will still continue to shine. (Anita Ganeri, Creatures That Glow In The Dark, London ,1995 pg,120).
Smart flashlights concealed in the body
Another bacteria with similar capabilities is able to yield light for the pinecone fish. The pinecone fish derives its name from its overlapping scales that cover its body like an armor. Bacteria find themselves a suitable area in the body of this creature to dwell in. The facilities provided by the fish, aid the bacteria with food and shelter. And the light provided by the bacteria at night helps the fish to find its way and to be safe from its prey. A similar solidarity also exists between the bacteria and the ponyfish. At the back of the throat of the ponyfish, there are two light glands occupied by bacteria. The fish with the aid of the bacteria is able to make itself visible by switching itself on and off, and can be visible in the form of light when it necessitates.It is useful to illustrate certain details mentioned with these few examples. “Thinking” it is beneficial for them to reside in the bodies of living beings, bacteria “choose” favorable creatures for themselves and is are able to produce changes in the structures of the creatures to accommodate themselves in their bodies. At the same time they protect the creature they are sheltered in, and provide several benefits for them. The light possessed by the squid is a big gain for it, as it is able to protect itself from dangers. The bacteria “takes into account” this opportunity, thus it acquires itself a house. After these intelligent processes, it should be clear that this organism appears to have the ability to contemplate (think). However, the organism in question is simply a bacteria. If we search for the source of this intelligence in a microscopic bacteria, then i’m afraid we will no doubt be frustrated. The existence of a “masterpiece” will always glorify the “mind” it is conceived by, in this case, God. These miniature organisms appear truly miraculous, in terms of consciousness. These are only a few proofs of Allah’s superior intelligence and infinite power.
“Everything in the heavens and earth belongs to Allah. Allah is the Rich Beyond Need, the Praiseworthy. If all the trees on earth were pens and all the sea, with seven more seas besides, was ink Allah’s words still would not run dry. Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.” (Surah Lokman, 26-27)