On September 2, 2005, The International Jerusalem Post, a daily whose reports on Middle East affairs are closely monitored, carried an announcement titled "Scientific Facts Refute the Theory of Evolution" introducing the works of Harun Yahya.
Living side by side in Jerusalem
The role of Turkey || The Frontier Post
Conference at Amal International School
Darkness in the seas and internal waves
The Rohingya Crisis An International Issue
What awaits Syrians in the post-war period
Toward a Solution for Egypt || Huffington Post
Living Side by Side in Jerusalem
Jerusalem, longing for the Ottoman
Quran verse posted at US Harvard University
The Ramifications of the Post-9-11 "War on Terror"
Rohingyas' Uncertain Fate Post-Polls
International Aid: Good or Bad?
Moscow International Book Fair
How Turkey and Russia change international energy hub
Internal Voice that Shows us the Way
Radio France International refers to Harun Yahya’s publications
During Hazrat Mahdi's (as) struggle that will begin in Istanbul there will be a Meccan period, a Jerusalem period and a Roman period
"Religion and Peace" International Seminar at the House of Lords London UK
Fabricated Hadiths on the Subject of the Head-Covering and Their Internal Inconsistencies
The Huffington Post Writer Nidhal Guessoum's Errors Concerning Evolution
Harun Yahya's Gratifyingly Post-modern View Of Archaeology
Harun Yahya Works At The International Book Fair Of India