The Turkish version of the magazine Geo carried a report titled ?The Earliest Rabbit? in its February 2006 edition. The report announced the discovery of a fossil in Mongolia by a team led by Robert Asher at the Berlin Museum of Natural History. The fossil, given the name Gomphos elkema, belonged to an early species of rabbit and was estimated to be around 55 million years old. The rabbit fossil in question exhibited various differences compared with today?s rabbits. It had smaller ears, for instance, and sharp molars like those of squirrels. Like modern rabbits, however, it had long foot that was nearly the size of its entire arm.

The Turkish version of the magazine Geo carried a report titled “The Earliest Rabbit” in its February 2006 edition. The report announced the discovery of a fossil in Mongolia by a team led by Robert Asher at the Berlin Museum of Natural History. The fossil, given the name Gomphos elkema, belonged to an early species of rabbit and was estimated to be around 55 million years old. The rabbit fossil in question exhibited various differences compared with today’s rabbits. It had smaller ears, for instance, and sharp molars like those of squirrels. Like modern rabbits, however, it had long foot that was nearly the size of its entire arm.

Geo had this to say in its interpretation of the fossil, regarded as the earliest known rabbit:

Since this skeleton, belonging to the forebear of the rabbit, is 20 million years older than other known specimens and can date the development of mammals back to the period when dinosaurs disappeared, it has caused great excitement among scientists.

Geo is a known evolutionist publication. By using the term “mammal development” it is referring to the claim that mammals emerged from other living groups during a supposed process of evolution. The magazine states that it is hoped that this latest fossil will shed light on that process and seeks to place G. elkema within an imaginary evolutionary scenario it has already assumed to be true. Yet these efforts are all for nothing. The basic scenario, in other words the claim of the evolutionary development of mammals, is no more than a fairy tale in the face of the palaeontological facts. Like all other living groups, all mammalian groups emerge suddenly and with flawless structures and characteristic features in the fossil record. There are no fossil series recording constant change, in terms of the time factor and anatomical criteria, between mammals and their alleged evolutionary forerunners, reptiles. For that reason, the well-known palaeontologist and leading evolutionist George Gaylord Simpson was forced to make the following admission:

This is true of all the thirty-two orders of mammals. . . The earliest and most primitive known members of every order already have the basic ordinal characters, and in no case is an approximately continuous sequence from one order to another known. In most cases the break is so sharp and the gap so large that the origin of the order is speculative and much disputed…

This regular absence of transitional forms is not confined to mammals, but is an almost universal phenomenon, as has long been noted by paleontologists. It is true of almost all classes of animals, both vertebrate and invertebrate... it is true of the classes, and of the major animal phyla, and it is apparently also true of analogous categories of plants. (George G. Simpson, “Tempo and Mode in Evolution,” Columbia University Press, New York, 1994, pp. 105, 107) (emphasis added)

As we have seen, the claim of mammalian development raised by Geo by way of this latest fossil discovery consists of an invention with no corresponding fossil record, supported solely out of dogmatic devotion to the theory of evolution. We advice the magazine’s management that they admit that the mammalian development scenario is lacking in any evidence whatsoever and cease trying to cover this up by sprinkling evolutionary fairy tales between the lines. Mammals did not evolve from other groups by chance and through blind natural events, but were created by God saying to them “Be!”