A report carried on the BBC web site on 24 March, 2007, titled “Mammal Rise ‘Not Linked’ to Dinos,” discussed how the fictitious evolution of mammals was linked to dinosaurs becoming extinct. This report, in which we again encountered the familiar methods employed by the BBC, was once again a propaganda text far removed from the scientific evidence.

 A report carried on the BBC web site on 24 March, 2007, titled “Mammal Rise ‘Not Linked’ to Dinos,” discussed how the fictitious evolution of mammals was linked to dinosaurs becoming extinct. This report, in which we again encountered the familiar methods employed by the BBC, was once again a propaganda text far removed from the scientific evidence.

This technique, so frequently to be encountered in various Darwinist publications and in BBC reports in particular, consists of making headlines out of completely irrelevant subjects and making one-sided analysis of these suggesting how evolution might have occurred. This deceptive method was once again employed in the report in question, with the idea of “at what stage mammals might have arisen” after the extinction of dinosaurs being considered. The report made no mention of how mammals evolved, at what stages they underwent changes, nor the existence of any evidence for such changes, signs of evolution in the fossil record or biological or palaeontological proof. It is impossible for darwinists to discuss such matters, since there is no evidence that can be brought up to support the claim in question. Aware of this fact, Darwinists resort to myth-building rather than devoting any space to evidence that might confirm their claims. The scenario they build on this subject is designed to confuse readers. If people reading the report are unaware of the evidence of the invalidity of the theory of evolution, they will form the impression that mammals did indeed evolve at some stage but that this is unconnected with the extinction of the the dinosaurs. Darwinists think that the idea of “how this supposed evolution took place” will have a greater effect on people lacking very much knowledge of the subject than the question of whether evolution ever happened at all, which is in fact what they really need to explain. That is the only reason why such a myth, devoid of any scientific content, appears in scientific reports.

However, these propaganda techniques employed by Darwinists have now been unmasked, for which reason they have no effect on anyone. These Darwinist techniques have no other significance than to reiterate the despairing position in which they find themselves. The sudden shock of their defeat leads Darwinists to employ such familiar techniques, which were effect in the days when people possessed insufficient information about the falsehoods of evolution. Their endeavours are all in vain, however. Darwinist scenarios no longer have any impact. What darwinists need to do, before it is too late, is to evaluate the facts revealed by the scientific proof in a rational manner and to admit that evolution never happened and that God has created all living things, fully formed, in a single moment.


Note: This also represents our response to an article titled “Placental Mammals Originated on Earth 65 Million Years Ago, Researchers Assert," which appeared on the Science Daily web site on 21 June, 2007.