Since the communist ideology that claims to represent equality, social justice and freedom actually holds materialist and Darwinist beliefs that favor conflict and explicitly denies the obvious existence of God, it has inflicted countless tragedies on all the countries in which it has been applied. The communism that cost the lives of hundreds of millions in the 20th century still survives today.

We can see the kind of world that communism desires by looking at previous examples:

The Savagery of Lenin

Lenin adopted a new interpretation of Marxism by saying that the revolution needed to be carried by a Communist Party made up of professional revolutionaries, run with military discipline and empowered to speak on behalf of the working class. And that interpretation made revolution based on terror and violence an inseparable part of communism. Lenin’s view, which appeared in the magazine Proletari as early as 1906, 11 years before the Bolshevik Revolution, in the article “The phenomenon in which we are interested is the armed struggle,” (Vladimir I. Lenin, 30 September 1906, Proletari, No. 5) led to the establishment of ruthless, oppressive regimes that ruled with violence and persecution in the wake of that revolution.

In the wake of the October revolution, both Red Army units and the secret police organization known as the “Cheka,” set up by Lenin, inflicted wave after wave of terror on those sections of society they regarded as counterrevolutionary:

From Nakhimovksky, all one could see was the hanging bodies of officers, soldiers, and civilians arrested in the streets. The town was dead, and the only people left alive were hiding in lofts or basements. All the walls, shop fronts, and telegraph poles were covered with posters calling for "Death to the traitors." They were hanging people for fun. (S.P. Melgunov, La Terreur rouge en Russie, 1918-1924, p. 81)

In all the towns and villages they entered, the Bolsheviks slaughtered those sections of society that did not support their ideology, and carried out extreme acts of violence for the purpose of terrorizing the people. The orders for many of these massacres came directly from Lenin himself.

For example, in one telegram to the Central Executive Committee of Penza soviet, he said:

Comrades! The kulak uprising in your five districts must be crushed without pity. The interests of the whole revolution demand such actions, for the final struggle with the kulaks has now begun. You must make an example of these people. Hang (I mean hang publicly, so that people see it) at least 100 kulaks, rich bastards, and known blood-suckers. Publish their names. Seize all their grain… Do all this so that for miles around people see it all, understand it, tremble… Reply saying you have received and carried out these instructions. Yours, Lenin. (Russian Center for the Conservation and Study of Historic Documents, Moscow (RTsKhIDNI), 2/1/6/898, Pavlyuchenkov, Krestyankskii Brest)

As a result of many other orders and measures similar to the one above commanded by Lenin, tens of thousands of people were executed without trial. Many opponents of the regime were sent to be worked to death under the harshest conditions in the concentration camps known as the "Gulag"; most didn't survive these camps. As a result, hundreds of thousands of workers and peasants who rebelled against the Bolshevik regime in 1918-1922 were slaughtered.

Man-Made Famine

A famine that cost the lives of 5 million people across Russia took place under Lenin’s government. In 1918, a policy of abolishing private property was initiated with a command issued by Lenin. The most important consequence of this was the nationalization of peasants’ lands and the confiscation of food products.

A quota to be given to the Bolsheviks was determined for each peasant. But in order to meet that quota, most of them had to give up all that they had harvested. Peasants who tried to resist were savagely silenced. Some of them hid part of their harvests in order not to have to hand over all their wheat; but such behavior was regarded as “betrayal of the revolution” by the Bolsheviks and was punished with unbelievable savagery.

On February 14th, 1922, an inspector went to the region of Omsk and described what happened there:

Abuses of position by the requisitioning detachments, frankly speaking, have now reached unbelievable levels. Systematically, the peasants who are arrested are all locked up in big unheated barns; they are then whipped and threatened with execution. Those who have not filled the whole of their quota are bound and forced to run naked all along the main street of the village and then locked up in another unheated hangar. A great number of women have been beaten until they are unconscious and then thrown naked into holes dug in the snow. (Black Book of Communism, Harvard University Press Cambridge, p. 119)

He enforced a ruthless sanction in 1920: Not only were all the peasants’ foodstuffs to be confiscated, but also their seeds. Confiscation of these seeds meant that the peasants could not grow new crops and would inevitably starve to death: And that is exactly what happened. In 1921 and 1922, fully 29 million people were confronted with starvation inside Russia’s borders, of whom 5 million eventually starved to death.