Darwinism has deceived the world for around a century and a half and has attempted to indoctrinate people with materialist philosophy using hoaxes and lies. HARUN YAHYA’S ATLAS OF CREATION HAS ANNOUNCED THE DEMOLITION OF THIS FALSE THEORY, which for years convinced people that life forms were descended, by chance, from other forms.

The Turkish public came to see this reality with enormous joy and excitement, following which and by virtue of Atlas of Creation, the people of Europe who had for so long been subjected to materialist and Darwinist indoctrination, also came by the opportunity of seeing the true facts. The way that all of Europe has become acquainted with Atlas of Creation and the declaration of the fact that living creatures have remained unchanged for millions of years and that evolution is devoid of any scientific worth have led to a major change of belief among the people of Europe. Independent polls conducted by well-known publishing institutions in different European countries have revealed a major drop in the numbers of people believing in Darwinism and that belief in Allah now dominates Europe.

Some survey findings from across Europe are:

FRANCE/ Science Actualités / 16 February 2007

Following the major impact of the distribution of Atlas of Creation in France, the French website Science Actualités carried out a public opinion poll. The results of the survey showed that Darwinism has been annihilated in France. According to the findings, set out under the caption “Your Views on Evolution,” revealed that 92% of the public no longer believe in evolution.

GERMANY / Die Welt / 17 April 2008
Darwinism has also been demolished in Germany, which now says, “Allah Created Life.” 

The German daily Die Welt, one of the countries most important publications, conducted a poll about Creation on its website. Eighty-six percent of the participants responded to the question “How do you think life came into being?” by saying “Allah created it.”

DENMARK / Ekstra Bladet / 29 June 2007
The Danish People No Longer Believe in Evolution.

According to the results of a survey conducted on its web site by the daily Ekstra Bladet, one of Denmark’s highest-circulation publications, “Danes no longer believe in evolution." Asked “Do You Think That Human Beings Are Descended from Apes?”, 88% of the Danish public answered “No.”

GERMANY / Süddeutsche Zeitung / 8 July 2007
According to a poll in Germany, the public no longer believe in evolution. The findings appeared under the caption “Evolution – no, thanks?”.

According to a poll regarding whether or not evolution actually happened that appeared on the web site of Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of Germany’s main dailies, the level of those believing that human beings are the work of a Creator stands at 87%.

SWITZERLAND / Blick / 4 May 2007
According to a survey in Switzerland, the public say that “Creation should be taught.”

The level of people believing in the fact of Creation stood at 85% in a poll conducted on the web site of Blick, one of Switzerland’s widest-read newspapers.

What the findings of the polls, a few of which are cited above, make crystal clear is this: ATLAS OF CREATION HAS HAD AN EXPLOSIVE IMPACT ON THE ENTIRE WORLD.

In the face of the scientific evidence people have now abandoned belief in the fraud of evolution. They now realize that Darwinism is a deception being kept alive for ideological reasons.

In the wake of the facts set out in Atlas of Creation, people have now come to see that all living creatures are brought into being by the will and at the command of our Lord, Allah. That is what the poll results show.