Dr. Oktar Babuna participated to Symposium of Cultural Diplomacy In the Arab World organized in Berlin by the International Diplomacy Institute as the representative of Mr Adnan Oktar. Dr. Babuna spoke about the importance of religion in politics. Mr. Adnan Oktar’s books were presented to the politicians, diplomats and academicians who participated the event.

Stephan Mayer, Member of the German Parliament

Hamad Bin Abdulaziz Al Kawari, Minister of Art and Culture of Qatar

Hassan Diab, Former Minister of Education of Lebanon

Dirk Niebel, Former Minister of Economic Development of Germany

Abdelouahid Khouja, Secretary General House of Councilors of Morocco

Dhiaa N. Al-Asadi, Member of the Parliament of Iraq

Maja Gasal Vrazalica, Member of Parliament of Bosnia Herzigovina

Mohammed Abubaker Al Ghasani, Deputy Chairman of Majlis A´shura Council of Oman

Safet Softic, Speaker of the House of Peoples of the Parliamentary of Bosnia Herzigovona

Mirsad Isakovic, Member of The Parliament Bosnia Herzigovina

Ali Soubaneh Atteyeh Member of the Parliament of Djibouti

Nasima Niazi, Member of the Parliament of Afganistan

Zuraida binti Kamaruddin, Member of the Parliament of Malaysia

Alberto Antonio Guani Amarilla, Ambassador of Uruguay in Germany

Jauhar Saleem, Ambassador of Pakistan in Germany

Prof. Thomas Gries Makroökönom, University of Paderborn