Surat al-Hashr, 11-14 (Even though hypocrites seem to support each other, they actually hate one another)

Surat al-Hashr, 11-14 (Even though hypocrites seem to support each other, they actually hate one another)


Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Interview at HarunYahya.TV on July 2nd, 2010

Did you not see the hypocrites saying to their brothers, those among the People of the Book who are disbelievers, ‘If you are driven out we will leave with you, we will never obey anyone to your detriment. And if you are fought against we will help you’? Allah bears witness that they are truly liars.

If they are driven out they will not leave with them. If they are fought against they will not help them. And if they did help them they would turn their backs, and then they would not be helped.

You are a greater cause of terror in their breasts than Allah! That is because they are people who do not understand.

They will not fight against you all together as a group except in fortified towns or behind high walls. Their hostility towards each other is intense. They are full of bravado in each other’s company. You consider them united but their hearts are scattered wide. That is because they are people who do not use their intellect.
(Surat al-Hashr, 11-14)

ADNAN OKTAR: "Did you not see the hypocrites?", says Almighty Allah. I seek refuge with Allah from the satan. ".. saying to their brothers, those among the People of the Book who are unbelievers," meaning people from outside, people who support them, "If you are driven out we will leave with you," so the hypocrites say "if you go somewhere, we will come where you are." They say "we are at wherever you are." ".. We will never obey anyone to your detriment." So if Muslims are against you, we will never obey them and we will never be on their side, on Muslims' side. The hypocrite says "I'll always be on your side." "... And if you are fought against we will help you." So the hypocrites say "if something against you happens, if Muslims struggle against the hypocrites, we will help you."  That means in short the hypocrites support hypocrites. "Allah bears witness that they are truly liars." This is the main characteristic of the hypocrite. They show themselves as fearing and obeying Allah and on the side of the religion, but they are fraud.

"If they are driven out they will not leave with them. If they are fought against they will not help them. And if they did help them they would turn their backs, and then they would not be helped." So the hypocrites also deceive the hypocrites, they are treacherous against them as well. Allah reveals in the verse that when they are in a difficult situation, they leave them also and run away. That is, they are absolutely perfidious, classically perfidious.

"You are a greater cause of terror in their breasts than Allah!" So Almighty Allah says, "they think about you more than they think about Allah and they fear you more." "That is because they are people who do not understand." So when you look at his face you see that stupidity and emptiness on the hypocrite. He has a deeply foolish glance and his mind opens to blankness and he can't understand in any way. Allah points that out and says: "That is because they are people who do not understand." So he doesn't have a deep understanding. When he understands something, he thinks that he understands it. However deep understanding is different. "They will not fight against you all together as a group except in fortified towns or behind high walls." They don't struggle against you. They do so only if they are together and only if there is something like a house, a place or something that collects them together. "Their hostility towards each other is intense." Since the thing the hypocrites are disgusted with the most is themselves, they struggle against one another a lot. They fight as soon as they leave, don't talk to one another and they argue.

That is because he is a self–seeker and the other is also a self-seeker, and since they both know that they are servile and depraved; a natural hatred forms. He hates her and she hates him. "They are full of bravado in each other's company.You consider them united but their hearts are scattered wide." Look, "you consider them united" so you say 'they are in union, since they came together, right? They should really protect one another'. Look Allah says: "but their hearts are scattered wide." Allah says that they all take another lead. They all are after their own interests. "That is because they are people who do not use their intellect." Look, "That is because they are people who do not use their intellect." They are all witless and stupid.

