In the Qur’an, Allah reminds believers to be unified and provide support for one another. The conscientious and noble life that Muslims lead makes them valuable and beloved in Allah’s Sight. In the Qur’an, Allah reveals that these noble and respectable servants are few in number. He declares that the majority of people will not believe, and most of those who do believe will not harbor true faith—that is, without associating anything with Allah.
Hence, true Muslims are always in the minority, and even a single one is of great importance for other believers. In the Qur’an, Allah defines a believer as the “protector” of another believer.
Hence, Allah commands believers of every age to support one another like well-built walls. Appreciating the value of other believers, providing full support for them in the face of difficulties and establishing a strong unity are responsibilities of the believers Allah mentions in the Qur’an. In compliance, believers support and help one another under all circumstances and employ all their material and spiritual resources for the advance of fellow Muslims.
In one verse Allah gives an example:
Allah loves those who fight in His Way in ranks like well-built walls. (Surat as-Saff; 4)
Besides spiritual unity, the verse refers to strong unity that is inseparable and observable from outside. The Qur’an rejects the idea of watching and supporting other Muslims from a distance. That is, believers always remain with other believers, performing acts of worship, rendering services and struggling against disbelief on any intellectual grounds.
Strong unity and solidarity is required to advance the message of Allah, protect the rights and interests of other Muslims and to struggle intellectually against the mentality of ignorant societies. It is also the key to properly upholding the commandments of Allah and earning His good pleasure. Thus, believers must avoid all attitudes and behaviors likely to weaken unity, solidarity and brotherhood among themselves. Quarrelling is particularly to be avoided, as it is explicitly forbidden in the Qur’an:
Obey Allah and His Messenger and do not quarrel among yourselves lest you lose heart and your momentum disappear. And be steadfast. Allah is with the steadfast. (Surat al-Anfal; 46)
Unity among Muslims is an essential attribute that influences their stand against unbelievers, as learned from the verse above. Quarrelling and disputing is inspired only by satan without suffering any feelings of guilt and leads to no real solution. Therefore, a believer who, in an instant of forgetfulness, becomes involved in a quarrel should remember this verse, cease and repent for his error. Awareness that it displeases Allah will make believers alert to circumstances likely to produce quarrels and prevent them. It is against the ethics of the Qur’an to fight believers and thereby weaken their courage and strength while unbelievers and hypocrites unite to cause them harm.
In every instance, it is Allah through His Messenger (saas) Who guides Muslims to the straight path. Whatever the issue, only truth is acceptable to Allah. No Muslim can have an understanding or way of thinking about a matter that differs from that of other Muslims. For that reason, animosity never arises among true believers; Discord and dispute is attributed to unbelievers in the Qur’an. It commands believers to bring issues over which they disagree to Allah and His Messenger (saas) to be resolved in the best way. To believers, quarrelling and disputation are not legitimate methods for solving a problem and are contrary to Qur’anic conduct.
In another verse, Allah states that satan tries hard to sow the seeds of conflict among believers, and that the way to defeat him is to say what is best:
Say to My servants that they should only say the best. Satan wants to stir up trouble between them. Satan is an outright enemy to man. (Surat al-Isra’; 53)
Statements by Mr. Adnan Oktar regarding how muslims should support one another
ADNAN OKTAR: Look, I am telling Muslims the very easiest thing. They must love other Muslims. What is difficult about that? They are suspicious of one another. They must completely eradicate these sectarian differences, the anger and division stemming from these school differences. I am talking about the easiest thing. Nobody can say they cannot do that. What difficulty is there in it? They must go and say ‘salamünaleyküm – aleykümsalam, my brother.’ They must go and eat and talk together. I am saying the easiest thing. This is terrible corruption and must be eliminated at once. They must think the best of Muslims. Muslims have a tendency to gossip. A lot of them. There are good ones, too, and I consider them apart from this statement. As soon as anything happens, say in class, they start gossiping about other [Islamic] communities. I have seen this a lot. I mean, as soon as two people come together they start gossiping. Gossiping is unlawful. Allah compares it to eating a Muslim’s flesh. And it brings infertility and ill fortune with it. People must pray for the global dominion of Islam. Everyone should put it on his web site, “O Lord, bestow Turkish-Islamic Union upon us.” Isn’t that right? “O Lord, let us see all Muslims living together.” “O Lord, bestow the coming of Hazrat Mahdi (AS) (as) upon us.” They can put plenty of headings like that. So people visiting their sites can see them. That prayer should be spread. There are very few people who want the dominion of Islam in this century. (FROM MR. ADNAN OKTAR'S INTERVIEW ON TV KAYSERİ, SAMSUN AKS TV AND GAZİANTEP OLAY TV - December 2, 2009)