The Gulf Today, which is published in United Arab Emirates and available in English, published articles written by Harun Yahya during the Ramadan month of 2012. On August 1st 2012, the article titled, “Believers seek to please Allah” was published.
The state of being pleased with Allah
Believers seek to please Allah
Believers delight in Allah’s blessings
Seeking only Allah's consent
Conscience seeks for the attitude that pleases Allah the most
Allah Creates the Best for True Believers
Fear of Allah and Hell is an important sign of a believer
Seeking the most of the good pleasure of Allah
Believers' hearts are with Allah at all times and in all places
Allah's beautiful promises to believers necessitate that they remain hopeful
The purpose of a believer's life: the approval of Allah
Muslims, Christians and Jews believe in the same Allah
EU seeks remedy for poverty in religion
Libya seeks education support from Turkey
Ataturk was a devout believer
Love: A blessing bestowed by Allah for believers
The Netherlands is seeking religious officers to appoint in the army
Disinformation: To believe or not to believe
Russia also pleased at Turkish-Armenian initiative
Propagating Islam duty for believers
Believers are elegant
Seeking refuge from satan with Allah when the Qur’an is recited
American Actors Believe In God
Justice seeking followers of the just leader