The role of Turkey || The Frontier Post
State obliterating forces
There is preparation for Islamic peace force
Islamic Peace Force against Looters
A message from Hong Kong || The Jakarta Post
Muslim Congress in the United States
The Italian Economy is in a Worrisome State
It is not jihad in Iraq but struggle for resources || The Jakarta Post
Great Excitement in the States
The deep state comes to light
Muslim Peace Force Needed
Euro’s greatest need: Profound spirituality || The Jakarta Post
The World must Refresh its Perspective on Women || Huffington Post
Islam is the religion of compassion far removed from force and compulsion
It's essential for Muslims to remember Nazi's atrocities || The Jerusalem Post
Evolutionist Despotism in the United States
The Ramifications of the Post-9-11 "War on Terror"
Islamic peace force can stop Syria killings
The earth’s gravitational force
Turkey, Gulf states forge closer ties
The state of being pleased with Allah