Russia’s stance on the Muslim world
Russia’s Stance on the Muslim World
Russia’s Trustworthy Ally: Islamic World
Isolating Russia: A perilous policy for the World
Muslims and Christians – Hand in Hand for a Better World
Muslims are Responsible for All Muslims in the World
The increasing role in the Islamic world is in favor of Russia
USA - The Boston Globe: In the Muslim world, creationism is on the rise
The ultimate goal of a Muslim should be developing the Islamic world-2
Turkey and Russia can eliminate risk of new bipolar world order
Turkey-Russia Rapprochement
The future of Turkey-Russia relations
Watch out for provocations against Russia
Turkey’s improved ties with Russia
The Future of Turkey-Russia relations
Isolated Russia
'Who is the most influential muslim in the world?' (17.11.2009 United Kingdom/Reuters)
Catholic woman: one of 500 most influential Muslims In the world
Russia to Launch Muslim TV Channel
Russia gives Muslim Soldiers the right of free worship
Muslims: The most persecuted but also the most vilified people of the World - Part 2
Gharqad Tree Myth Still Continues to Stir Enmity against Jews in the Muslim World
Understanding Turkey's stance
Russia and Turkey In Harm’s Way