The Hill newspaper based in Washington DC is a source for policy and political coverage, reporting mostly on the White House and the Congress. You may read Harun Yahya’s article published at the Hill.
Who is US ally in Middle East?
Our Friends Participated In The Ottoman-Prusia Night Organized In Berlin || Ottoman-Prusia Night
Turkey’s longest night
NATO, the US and a Marxist Ally
Russia’s Trustworthy Ally: Islamic World
“Rescue us Turkey!”
Using Our Resources Wisely
Our Cure Is Turkey
Turkey-US Relationship and the Problem of YPG
The longest night for the Turks
Cats' eyes with sharp night vision
Who is the Ally of the USA in the Middle East?
USA: We are not at war with Islam; our reference is Turkey
The Livestock of Our Syrian Brothers Will Be Accepted into Turkey
What does Turkey’s 2014 local elections tell us?
The use of electricity
What did Turkey’s Elections Tell Us?
Violence a ‘routine’ in US
“They must use a very affectionate language toward our PM Tayyip Erdoğan”
How is it that Allah encompasses everything and he is closer to us than our jugular vein?