They are the people who say, ‘Do not spend on those who are with the Messenger of Allah, so that they may go away.’ The treasuries of the heavens and earth belong to Allah. But the hypocrites do not understand this. (Surat al-Munafiqun, 7)

Do not be like the hypocrite who, when he talks, tells lies; when he makes a promise, breaks it; and when he is trusted, proves dishonest. (Bukhari and Muslim)

There is something a hypocrite does not know; a hypocrite is not aware of Allah’s might. I always say this. For instance, a hypocrite goes and writes an advice note to an authority. The fact is however, that advice note was ready in the Sight of Allah before he was born, even before his father was born. He can neither write a letter more nor a letter less. And that note is sent right at the predestined date. That is how Allah creates him. And he really thinks that  he will be successful. Allah drifts him into destruction in a way that he does not understand. (A9 TV, March 13, 2012)

Hypocrites Never Strive On Allah's Path, And Are Terrified Of Both Islamic Moral Values Prevailing And Of The Emergence Of The Islamic Union

The fact that Allah has comprehensively described the hypocrites in the Qur’an is both very valuable information and a great blessing for wisdom. A Muslim who is well acquainted with these characteristics can, by Allah’s leave, make a completely accurate analysis when confronted by a similar state of affairs.

One of the most important signs by which Muslims can tell they are dealing with a hypocrite is the way these people are careful to avoid struggling on Allah’s path. As Allah reveals in verses, hypocrites foolishly regard struggling on Allah’s path as something distasteful:

Those who were left behind were glad to stay behind the Messenger of Allah. They did not want to strive with their wealth and themselves in the Way of Allah. They said, ‘Do not go out to fight in the heat.’ Say: ‘The Fire of Hell is much hotter, if they only understood.’ (Surat at-Tawba, 81)

The hypocrites provide no material or psychological support for any activity that might spread the religion of Allah, and they hang back and seek to encourage inertia and passivity on those around them.  They never strive for the foundation of the Islamic Union, for an Islamic Union or to disseminate Islamic moral values. Should even a small hint of such blessings emerge, they are unwilling to strive and support them.  On the contrary, they openly and secretly inculcate the idea that these are ideals that will never happen and are empty promises.

They also foolishly try to discourage believers from the struggle by trying to put ideas in their heads or try to show them the supposed best path. Some, as revealed in a verse, say, "Do not go out to fight in the heat." (Surat at-Tawba, 81) Some try to give the impression they want to take part in the struggle but pretend they lack the means to do so, saying, "If we knew how to fight, we would certainly follow you.” (Surah Al‘Imran, 167) Still, others make up excuses for hanging back, by saying, "Our houses are exposed." But the fact is that Allah has revealed their true intentions. They just want to run away:

"... [their houses] were not exposed, it was merely that they wanted to run away." (Surat al-Ahzab, 13)

But what the hypocrites forgets as they do all this is that there is a secret they may never even have considered. Whether they wish it or not, Allah will give dominion to His religion, He will certainly make good his promise to Muslims, and the coming of the Prophet Jesus (saas) and Hazrat Mahdi (as) and the foundation of Islamic Union will definitely come about. Everything the hypocrites do to make things happen differently in their own eyes to hold back the believers, whether it is to hinder them or pacify them, will just confirm Muslims’ eagerness for the struggle and enhance their fervor and excitement. This, by Allah’s leave, will strengthen the believer’s work on Allah’s path many times over.

Hypocrites lie in claiming not to know how to struggle on Allah’s path, and seek to give the impression they are well intentioned.

And so that He would know the hypocrites. They were told, ‘Come and fight in the Way of Allah or at least help defend us.’ they said, ‘if we knew how to fight, we would certainly follow you.’ They were closer to disbelief that day than to iman, saying with their mouths what was not in their hearts. And Allah knows best what they are hiding. (Surah Al’Imran, 167)

Hypocrites wait for the moment to attack Muslims. That is the time when the hypocrite most clearly gives himself away. He will wait for months, or years. There are two communities – Muslims, and those who attack them. Hypocrites are unaware that Allah has created their assault. But it is an honor for Muslims. It raises their rank, and a believer becomes one of those with whom Allah is pleased. The words that most infuriate hypocrites are, “Come and fight in the Way of Allah or at least help defend us.” Say that and it hits the hypocrite right where it hurts. When one says, “Come and strive together to establish the Turkish-Islamic Union” one hits the hypocrite right where it hurts. They say there would be no question if they knew how to fight, but they are lying, of course. Of course they have sides that resemble faith, but on days such as that the disbelief side of them becomes evident. The hypocrite keeps the truth hidden in his heart. Their anger finishes them off. It burns them, attacks their bodies and strangles them, though they are unaware of it.

Why Are Darwinists Still Resorting To False Dino-Bird Myths?

The reason is this: On the one hand, Darwinists are suffering the tension caused by their terrible rout and collapse, while on the other they are sheltering behind a philosophy of “nothing untoward has happened.” For that reason, they try to portray some fossils that fall into their hands in a deceptive light. This generally involves an extinct ape fossil, but sometimes also a dinosaur fossil, the original of which we have never seen in any Darwinist publication. They then blatantly lie about this fossil, using a false “scientific” mask and drawings made showing it flying with huge, long wings to describe it as a dino-bird.

What we need to remember is this: all the deceptions behind all the Darwinist claims for the last many years have been exposed in these pages, straight away and with incontrovertible scientific evidence. The claims made regarding all the dino-bird fossils brought up in recent months in particular have also been definitively silenced with the exposure of all the details of Darwinist frauds. Darwinists have been unable to rebut this scientific evidence. The extraordinary deceptions that the proponents of evolution have raised in order to deceive people by distorting the facts about fossils and in order to turn perfect dinosaurs into birds have all been clearly exposed. However, exposed to the terror and panic of defeat and ignorant of any other way than deception, Darwinists still have no compunctions about employing the same ready-made and primitive tactics.

The latest example of this is a 160-million-year-old, 3-meter long dinosaur fossil found in China and given the name Haplocheirus sollers. The greatest Darwinist claim about this fossil is that it has feathers, in other words, that it is a dinosaur beginning to become a bird. This impossible and fraudulent claim has appeared, as if it were true, adorned with scientific terminology, false analyses and fake drawings in the pages of all Darwinist scientific journals, including those in Turkey.

The fact is, as always, that the idea that these dinosaurs had feathers is a huge lie. Note how in all Darwinist publications the best-known Darwinist deceptive tactic of “false illustrations” is on show regarding the fossil in question. There is no other evidence, not a single picture, regarding the existence of the fossil. In fact, the original paper published in the journal Science makes no reference to the fossil in question having feathers, but as a requirement of the need to deceive people, feathers were merely mentioned in order to be able to make a link between them and dinosaurs. What other Darwinist publications quickly did was to herald this dinosaur fossil as the oldest ancestor of birds by adding a statement to the effect that “it had feathers on its wings.” The fact is, however, that the animal is a perfect, scale-covered reptile. This is a clear example of the Darwinist demagoguery that has been going on for years.

Not a single example of a transitional fossil exists

No matter how much fuss Darwinists may make about every dinosaur fossil they find, those fossils have always represented perfect, fully formed and complete dinosaurs. According to the claims made by Darwinists, who regard random mutations as their false gods, these life forms allegedly evolved gradually and by chance, and they should be monstrous-looking, abnormal and indescribably entities, with all their organs in totally all the wrong places. But they are not like that at all. Not a single fossil meeting that description has ever been found. On the contrary, all the fossils ever found belong to perfect and flawless life forms. Faced by the fact that living things are perfectly symmetrical, equipped with the Golden Ratio and immaculate and fully formed, Darwinists are in a state of trouble and in a total quandary. Indeed, the fact that most recent dinosaur fossil is a perfect and very ancient one again poses a huge challenge to Darwinism. The artificially manufactured feathered dinosaur tales are a manifestation of this Darwinist rout and the dead-end in which Darwinists find themselves.

Moreover, the number of fossils that all pose such an insuperable quandary for Darwinists is approximately 300 million. But NOT ONE OF THESE 300 MILLION IS A TRANSITIONAL FOSSIL.

The existence of a single protein is sufficient to inflict a total defeat on Darwinism

The thing that really demolishes Darwinism is A SINGLE PROTEIN, on which Darwinists expend many pages of fanciful tales and which both dinosaurs and all other living things possess. It is utterly astonishing how Darwinists can engage in evolutionary propaganda about perfect life forms when they are unable to account for the emergence of a single protein. Just one of the hundreds of proteins in the 100 trillion cells possessed by Darwinists demolishes and eradicates Darwinism. The way that Darwinists try to pull the wool over people’s eyes, as if there were no such reality, and imagine that they can still deceive us is the most unbelievable blindness.

Darwinists must take this call of ours on board: Before making illogical statements regarding the fictitious theory of evolution, and before resorting to falsehoods, THEY MUST FIRST EXPLAIN HOW A SINGLE PROTEIN CAME INTO BEING. They must not waste time on frauds regarding fossils without doing this first. Darwinists must also not forget this: that their inability to account for a single protein has been announced to the whole world it is no longer possible for them to fool people with false reports about dino-birds. A great many people now laugh at the theory of evolution. Fraud no longer serves any purpose. Belief in our Almighty Lord is increasing all the time and, by Allah’s leave, will continue to do so. This century will be one of belief in Allah. The victory achieved by Darwinists in the 19th century will totally disappear in the 21st. This is Allah’s promise. And no power can change that, unless Allah Himself wills otherwise.

Mahdı Is The People’s Beloved

The Mahdi is from us, from the Ahl al-bayt. Allah will perfect* him in a night. (* i.e., will forgive him, or give him success and the inspiration of wisdom and guidance) (Sunan Ibn Majah, vol:10, Bab: 34, p.348)

Islamic scholars have explained this hadith as follows:

The Mahdi will not appear until he is the best loved by the people because of the evils that befall them. (Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti, Portents of the Mahdi, p. 27)

He will have the approval of the peoples of Earth and sky. (Haythami, v. VII, p. 313; al-Suyuti, Portents of the Mahdi, p. 31)

Allah will sow love of him in the hearts of all people. (Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar fi Alamat al-Mahdi al-Muntazar, p. 42)

The Mahdi will come to people, and they will embrace him like a new bride, with love and conversation. (al-Suyuti, Portents of the Mahdi, p. 35)

His rule will have the approval of the peoples of Earth and sky, all wild animals, birds, and even the fish in the sea. (al-Haythami, Al-Qawl al-Mukhtasar, p. 31)

The last of this strife is the killing of the innocent, when the Mahdi will appear in a manner approved of by all. (al-Suyuti, Portents of the Mahdi, p. 38)

Allah will place his words in the people’s hearts. Thus they will be a community who are lions by day and who worship by night. (Al-Uqayli, Al-Najm al-Saqib fi Bayan Anna al-Mahdi min Awladi Ali b. Abu Talib Al-i al-Tamam wa al-Qamal)

There will remain no individual who will not be pleased within the Community of Muhammad. (Signs of the Judgment Day, p.163) He is fair of face, fragrant, imposing, but lovable and close to people. (Mahdi, Dajjal, Messiah, p. 102)