Those who remember Allah, standing, sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: ‘Our Lord, You have not created this for nothing. Glory be to You! So safeguard us from the punishment of the Fire. (Surah Al ‘Imran, 191)
Allah is very considerate of people -2-
A person who takes a simple glance around him can see countless manifestations of Allah’s flawless artistry in creation and His might of creation. For instance, every time a person looks in the mirror, he generally sees a symmetrical and beautiful appearance but he also notices his weaknesses and inadequacies.
Human beings make a constant effort to eliminate the defects and weaknesses in their bodies and to attain a cleaner and healthier appearance. Indeed, many factories engage in a lengthy process of research and production in order to provide products which will become instrumental in meeting the various needs of human beings.
An important point deserves mention here; being aware that Allah is the Creator and Possessor of everything. Believers know that it is Allah Who creates these products and each phase of their production.
As a requisite of His trial, Allah creates human beigns with many weaknesses. He also shows how these weaknesses can be eliminated and how, by His Will, He can create flawlessly .
A believer who thinks about the details, both in physical appearance and chemical content of these products,can better grasp Allah’s artistry in creation. A person who does not look with the eye of faith may be unable to conceive these details. However, being aware that every thing is perceived in Allah’s Sight as a “moment” and every thing is created by Allah, a believer knows that a product is in fact created even before he is born. He further knows that it has been preordained in which market and on which shelf that product will be offered for sale. Being aware of how Allah is concerned with human beings, a believer continuosly gives thanks to Allah.
How do the seeds sleeping for hundreds of years sprout?
There are some rarely known attributes of plants; some plant species are quite resistant against very harsh conditions. In times of harsh conditions, these plants decrease their metabolic functions, in other words get into a kind of sleeping phase and become more resistant. Meanwhile, when conditions permit, even after hundreds of years sleep, they awake by Allah’s leave and start to sprout.
Every plant has features peculiar to climatic conditions of its habitat. For instance the features of plants in arid regions are absent in other species. For this reason one cannot expect a desert plant to survive in polar or tropical conditions or a tropical plant to live under polar or desert conditions, for all the structures of tropical plants – the size of their leaves, the resistance of their seeds etc.- are compatible with its habitat conditions. The features of plants in poles, on the other hand, comply with the polar conditions.
Why do the seeds lapse into sleeping phase?The first phase of sleep in seeds is the drying phase during which the seed loses the water in its texture and lapses into sleep. Living plant seeds hold 90-95 percent of water while water makes up only 5-15 % of the sleeping seed’s texture. This process takes place under a genetic control. The major element in the occurrence of this process is “abscisic acid”, a hormone that slows down the functions within the seed. By means of this hormone the cells of a sleeping seed breathe very slowly; it neither feeds nor grows. (Francoise Brenckmann, Grains de Vie, p.68)
There are seeds that remain in sleeping phase for decades and even for hundreds of years and then awake. This state of sleep is vitally important for the survival of the next generations of these plants. Because plants always remain in the same location, the existence of such a mechanism in harsh conditions is essential. (Advanced Plant Physiology, Malcolm B. Wilkins, p.462) There is no doubt that plants and their seeds are created flawlessly with the features they possess today. This fact is related in the Qur’an thus:
Is He Who creates like him who does not create? So will you not pay heed? If you tried to number Allah’s blessings, you could never count them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Surat an-Nahl, 17-18)
Technologies in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (a.s) faretold by our Prophet (a.s)
Hazrat Ali describes how muslims will come under intense pressure in the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), but that Hazrat Mahdi's (as) community will never be afraid
It is related from Hazrat Ali that someone once asked him about Hazrat Mahdi (as). Hazrat Ali replied, “He (Hazrat Mahdi (as) will appear in the End Times. He will come at a time when people are condemned to death for saying ‘Allah’.” He then went on to say, "ALLAH WILL BRING TOGETHER AROUND HIM A COMMUNITY WHO FEAR NOTHING AND WHO REJOICE OVER NO GAIN.” (Siddiq Hasan Khan, al-Izan, p.128)
The fluid that turns into acid during digestion
The invalidity of the claim that ''moral understanding exists from birth, you cannot ignore an actively existing concept''
Some Darwinists maintain that moral understanding is a pre-existing concept in living things, that they possess it from birth, and that there is therefore no need for belief in Allah in order to be ethical (surely Allah is beyond that). As proof of this, they cite examples of self-sacrifice in various living things. But the fact is they are gravely deceived.
- Almighty Allah creates human beings on the basis of a specific nature. That nature comprises the finest form of behavior and attitudes that our Lord reveals in the Qur’an. Of course, therefore, human beings will act in accordance with the conscience inspired in them by Allah, in other words, with their nature.
At the same time, however, man is created with selfish desires as part of that nature. As revealed in the Qur’an, “I do not say my self was free from blame. The self indeed commands to evil acts – except for those my Lord has mercy on. My Lord, He is Forgiving, Merciful.” (Surah Yusuf 53)
- Since human beings are tested in this world and while the conscience inspires good though earthly passions constantly command evil, they have to make a choice.
- It is easy to obey selfish desires that command evil. If a person lets himself go, he can easily wither his conscience and fall prey to features such as selfishness, disloyalty, jealousy and anger that already exist in his nature. If that person does not properly fear from Allah, and if his thought system, surrounding environment and ideology so permit, then there is no reason why he should not fall prey to those desires.
- Thus Darwinism turns people away from moral understanding with that part of their natures. Someone who believes in Darwinism develops an ideology by which he comes to believe that all human beings are animals that came into existence by chance, and even that some are less developed than others and that this life is a battleground in which the weak need to be eliminated. Not every Darwinist may hold those views, but the intellectual system developed by Darwinism inevitably encourages people toward such opinions.
- In such a climate, oppression, killing and all kinds of unethical behavior may come to be regarded as permissible, and even normal, just as with Hitler, Lenin, Stalin and Mao, who all explicitly stated their passionate adherence to Darwinist ideology. In the absence of fear of Allah, moral collapse, enmity, anger and conflict may grow to the maximum extent.
- Being ethical, however, is a virtue calling for effort, endeavor and deep thought. Someone who does not heed his conscience or fear Allah can never achieve that virtue. Whereas someone who fears Allah is someone who loves what He creates. He is someone who adopts the moral values that are pleasing to Allah. And he is someone who acts according to the voice of his conscience. He knows he is tested in this way and that his efforts will receive the finest reward in the hereafter. He therefore takes care over his every action, at every moment of his life, and strives to be virtuous. That is one of the main differences between believers and others.
- Being ethical is not, therefore, something that one can acquire “naturally.” Left to his own nature, man cannot escape being the slave of his earthly desires. Only if he reflects deeply and properly appreciates the might of Allah, if he fears Allah as he should, if he knows that he will be held to account for every moment of his life and his every deed and if he feels a profound passion for Allah, can he then possess this deep and excellent moral virtue.
- It is also totally inconsistent to cite certain examples of animal behavior in the context of this claim. Animals are unaware of their own existence and merely behave in the manner that Allah inspires in them. An animal that hunts in the most ruthless manner when hungry may also display great self-sacrifice by going days without sleep to protect its young if necessary. That is not because the animal possesses any ethical conception, but because it acts in accordance with Allah’s inspiration.
- Animals have no ability to distinguish between good and evil. But human beings do. As revealed in this verse, that ability is given only to those who fear Allah:
You who believe! If you have fear of Allah, He will give you discrimination and erase your bad actions from you and forgive you. Allah’s favor is indeed immense. (Surat al-Anfal, 29)
The Prophet Solomon (pbuh) loves beauty. Allah grants the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) a glorious beauty.
Age: 38 to 23 million years old Size: 6.6 centimeters (2.6 in) including petiole Location: Beaverhead County, Montana Formation: Muddy Creek Formation Period: Oligocene |
The 38-23-million-year-old fossil grape leaf also verifies that plants also did not evolve, but were created. There exists no difference between Vitis grape leaves that existed millions of years ago and those of today.
Are you ever really alone?
Even when you think you are sitting at home alone, you are still in the company of a great number of living things. Bacteria live on you and in your body, and constantly protect you and also, occasionally, cause you to become ill. Mites that are spread everywhere, from the chair you sit in to your carpet, to the air you breathe. Moulds and fungi begin reproducing on foods left out in the open in your kitchen for even a few hours—all of these constitute a different world with its own unique lifestyles, nutritional systems and structural features.
Maybe you have always thought that humans, animals and plants you see around you represent the sole community of living things. Yet the microorganisms, members of a secret world that reach to every corner of the Earth, are far more numerous that those other, more familiar living things. These minute creatures outnumber the animals in the world by twenty to one. 1 In the same way that they are present all over the world, they are also essential to human life.