Say: “My prayer and my rites, my living and my dying,
are for Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds.
(Surat al-An’am: 162)
A wise person is one who keeps a watch over his bodily
desires and passions, and checks himself from that which is
harmful and strives for that which will benefit him after death...



And [I swear] by the night when it draws in, and by the dawn when it breathes in. (Qur’an, 81:17-18)
When plants undergo photosynthesis, they take in carbon dioxide, a harmful gas that human beings cannot consume, from the air, and give off oxygen instead. Oxygen, which we breathe and which is our basic source of life, is the main product of photosynthesis. Some 30% of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by plants on land, the remaining 70% being produced by plants and single-celled living things in the seas and oceans.
Photosynthesis is a complex process, and one which scientists have still not yet fully understood. This process cannot be observed with the naked eye, because the mechanism employs electrons, atoms and molecules. However, we can see the results of photosynthesis in the oxygen which enables us to breathe, and in the foodstuffs that keep us alive. Photosynthesis is a system which involves complicated chemical formulae and units of weight, and on very small scale, and consisting of the most sensitive equilibriums. There are trillions of chemical laboratories that carry out this process in all the green plants around us. Furthermore, plants have been meeting our oxygen, food and energy needs non-stop for millions of years.
The productivity of photosynthesis is measured by the level of oxygen output. The greatest point is in the morning, when the Sun’s rays are most concentrated. At dawn, the leaves begin to sweat, and photosynthesis increases accordingly. In the afternoon, however, the opposite applies; in other words photosynthesis slows down, and respiration increases because as the temperature rises perspiration also increases. At night, as the temperature falls, perspiration declines and the plant rests.
The term “itha tanaffasa” in Surat at-Takwir, in reference to the morning hours, in other words, “when it breathes in,” is a metaphorical reference to breathing, respiration, or breathing deeply. This term particularly emphasises the way that the production of oxygen begins in the morning, and that the greatest levels of oxygen, essential for respiration, are given off at that time. The importance of the phenomena is also emphasised by the way that Allah swears upon it. The way that Allah indicates the action of photosynthesis, among the most important discoveries of the 20th century, in this verse, is another of the scientific miracles of the Qur’an.

So We sealed their ears [with sleep] in the cave for a number of years. (Qur'an, 18:11)
The original Arabic of the phrase “We sealed their ears” in the Qur’an is the verb daraba. This bears the metaphorical meaning of “We have made them sleep.” Used in reference to the ears, daraba means “preventing the ears from hearing.” The fact that only the sense of hearing is mentioned here is very significant.
According to recent scientific discoveries, the ear is the only sensory organ active while a person is sleeping. This is why we need an alarm clock to wake up.* The wisdom of the phrase “We sealed their ears” is, in all probability, that Allah closed the hearing of the young people in question, for which reason they remained asleep for many years.
* Dr. Mazhar U. Kazi, 130 Evident Miracles in the Qur'an (New York: Crescent Publishing House: 1998), 108.
(For further reference, please see, Miracles of the Qur'an, by Harun Yahya)
Prophet Sulayman (as) was given unprecedented wealth
He (Sulayman) said: 'My Lord, forgive me and give me a kingdom the like of which will never be granted to anyone after me. Truly You are the Ever-Giving.' (Surah Sad: 35)

Allah responded to his prayer by giving him great blessings and knowledge, as well as bestowing upon him a magnificent dominion and powerful authority. In the verses 'that recount his life, many details are offered about his wealth, authority, and how he used his knowledge.
Prophet Sulayman (as) communicated with birds
Allah taught Prophet Sulayman (as) the language of birds, and he used this knowledge to form orderly ranks from of birds (Surat an-Naml:17). He communicated with birds and ruled them as he saw fit. This situation occurred as a result of Allah's favor on Sulayman (as).
(Sulayman said:) O mankind, we have been taught the speech of birds and have been given everything. This is indeed clear favor. (Surat an-Naml: 16)
We can derive important conclusions from this account:
- Birds have a special way of communicating with each other on a frequency beyond the range of human hearing. Prophet Sulayman (as) was given a special skill that allowed him to understand this language. This might have happened through a technological innovation.
- Using this skill, he gave orders to the birds so they might fulfill his wishes (Allah knows best).
- He sometimes used birds to send news and collect intelligence. This method was very successful. His knowledge made it easier for him to communicate with other countries, and effectively brought distant lands within his reach (Allah knows best).
- This verse might be drawing our attention to technological advances that will be used in the End Times. Perhaps it is not speaking of birds, but rather of unmanned aircraft in use today.
- It migh have been that he placed transmitters on the birds to gather intelligence about his enemies. This way he might have obtained both audio and visual records, which he used to rule his nation.
- He also had great control over jinns and satans. As the Qur'an states, Allah said, 'And some of the jinn worked in front of him by his Lord's permission' (Surah Saba, 12) and 'And some of the satans dived for him and did other things apart from that. And We were watching over them' (Surah al-Anbiya'). If we think about this aspect, birds might symbolize an army of jinns.
- Another possibility is that the birds are led by jinns. Prophet Sulayman (as) might have commanded birds to perform certain tasks through using jinns.
- Allah made the Qur'an humanity's holy book until Doomsday. Thus, incidents similar to those related about Prophet Sulayman might occur in the End Times. These verses might signal to us that during this time Allah might place satans and jinns at humanity's beck and call, or that humanity will use and benefit greatly from advanced technology at that time. (Allah knows best).
(For further reference, please see, The End of Times and the Mahdi, by Harun Yahya)


1) centriole
2) cytoplasm
3) mitochondria
4) microtubules
5) nucleus
6) vacuole
7) endoplasmic reticulum
8) lysosome
9) golgi apparaturs
There are serious doubts concerning evolutionists' reason and judgement, as they believe that the living cell, which cannot be synthesised in the most modern laboratories with the most sophisticated technology, could have come about in primitive and uncontrolled natural conditions. .
Evolutionists base their scenarios on natural effects and chance. One of the concepts they most shelter behind while doing so is that of "considerable time." For instance, the German scientist Ernst Haeckel, who supported Darwin, claimed that a living cell could originate from simple mud. With the realisation in the twentieth century of how complex the living cell actually is, the silliness of that claim became apparent, but evolutionists continued to mask the truth with the "considerable time" concept.

By doing this, they are trying to free themselves from the problem by plunging it into a quandary instead of answering the question of how life could have come about by chance. By giving the impression that the passage of a long period of time could be useful from the point of view of the emergence of life and increase in variety, they present time as something that is always beneficial. For example, the Turkish evolutionist Professor Yaman Örs says: "If you want to test the theory of evolution, place an appropriate mixture into water, wait a few million years, and you will see that some cells emerge." (Evrim Kurami Konferansi (Conference on the Theory of Evolution), Istanbul Universitesi Fen Fakultesi (University of Istanbul, Faculty of Economics), June 3, 1998)
This claim is utterly illogical. There is no evidence to suggest that such a thing could happen. The idea that animate matter could emerge from inanimate is actually a superstition dating back to the Middle Ages. At that time, people assumed that the sudden appearance of some living things was the result of "spontaneous generation." According to this belief, people considered that geese emerged from trees, lambs from watermelons, and even tadpoles from patches of water formed in clouds, falling to Earth as rain. In the 1600s, people began to believe that mice could be born in a mixture of wheat and a dirty piece of cloth, and that flies formed when dead flies were mixed with honey.
However, the Italian scientist Francesco Redi, proved that mice did not form in a mixture of wheat and a dirty piece of cloth, nor living flies from a mixture of dead flies and honey. These living things did not originate from those lifeless substances, they merely used them as vehicles. For example, a living fly would deposit its eggs on a dead one, and a short while later a number of new flies would emerge. In other words, life emerged from life, not inanimate matter. In the nineteenth century, French scientist Louis Pasteur proved that germs did not come from inanimate matter, too. This law, that "life only comes from life," is one of the bases of modern biology.

Louis Pasteur
The fact that the peculiar claims we have been discussing above were actually believed may be excused on the grounds of the lack of knowledge of seventeenth century scientists, bearing in mind the conditions at the time. Nowadays, however, at a time when science and technology have progressed so far, and the fact that life cannot emerge from inanimate matter has been demonstrated by experiment and observation, it is really surprising that evolutionists such as Yaman Örs should still be defending such a claim.
Modern scientists have demonstrated many times that it is impossible for that claim to actually happen. They have carried out controlled experiments in the most advanced laboratories, reproducing the conditions at the time when life first emerged, but these have all been in vain.
When phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, oxygen, iron, and carbon atoms, which are all essential for life, are brought together, all that emerges is a mass of inanimate matter. Evolutionists, however, suggest that a mass of atoms came together and organised themselves, over time, in the ideal proportions, at the appropriate time and place, and with all the necessary links between them. They further claim that as a result of the perfect organization of these inanimate atoms, and the fact that all these processes went ahead undisturbed, there duly emerged human beings capable of seeing, hearing, speaking, feeling, laughing, rejoicing, suffering, feeling pain and joy, laughing, loving, feeling compassion, perceiving musical rhythms, enjoying food, founding civilisations, and carrying out scientific research.
However, it is perfectly clear that even if all the conditions evolutionists insist on are realised, and even if millions of years are allowed to pass, such an experiment will be doomed to failure.
Evolutionists try to conceal this fact, however, with deceptive explanations such as "All things are possible with time." The invalidity of this claim, which is based on introducing an element of bluff into science, is also obvious. This invalidity can be quite clearly seen when the subject is considered from different points of view. In one simple example, let us consider when the passing of time is useful, and when it is harmful. Imagine, if you will, a wooden boat on the seashore, and a captain who at first maintains that boat, repairing, cleaning, and painting it. As long as the captain takes an interest in it, the boat will become ever more attractive, safe, and well-maintained.
Then let us imagine that the boat is left abandoned. This time, the effects of the sun, rain, wind, sand, and storms will cause the boat to decay, age, and eventually become unusable.
The only difference between these two scenarios is that in the former there is an intelligent, knowledgeable, and powerful intervention. The passing of time can only bring benefits with it when it is controlled by an intelligent force. If it is not, time has destructive effects, not constructive ones. In fact, this is a scientific law. The law of entropy, known as the "Second Law of Thermodynamics," states that all systems in the universe tend directly towards disorder, dispersion, and decay when left to themselves and to natural conditions.
This fact demonstrates that the long life of the Earth is a factor that destroys knowledge and order and increases chaos—the exact opposite of what evolutionists claim. The emergence of an ordered system based on knowledge can only be the product of an intelligent intervention.
When the proponents of evolution relate the fairy tale of the transformation of one species into another, they take refuge in the idea of it happening "over a long period of time." In that way, they propose that things somehow happened in the past which have never been confirmed by any experiment or observation. However, everything in the world and in the universe happens in accordance with fixed laws. These do not change over time. For example, things fall to Earth because of the force of gravity. They do not start to fall upwards with the passage of time. Neither will they do so even if trillions of years go by. Lizard offspring are always lizards. That is because the genetic information to be passed on is always that of a lizard, and no supplementary information can be added to it with natural causes. Information may diminish, or even decay, but it is quite impossible for anything to be added to it. That, in turn, is because the adding of information to a system requires knowledgeable and intelligent external intervention and control. Nature itself does not possess such properties.
Repetitions that occur over time, and the fact that they take place often, change nothing. Even if trillions of years are allowed to go by, a bird will never hatch out of a lizard's egg. A long lizard may, or a short one—a stronger one or a weaker one—but it will always be a lizard. A different species will never emerge. The concept of "a considerable time" is a deception designed to take the matter out of the realm of experiment and observation. It makes no difference whether 4 billion years go by, or 40, or even 400. That is because there is no natural law or tendency to make the impossibilities described in the theory of evolution actually possible.
(For further reading, see “The collapse of the theory of evolution in 20 questions” by Harun Yahya)

Allah has bought from the believers their selves and their wealth in return for Paradise. They fight in the Way of Allah and they kill and are killed. It is a promise binding on Him in the Torah, the Gospel and the Qur'an and who is truer to his contract than Allah? Rejoice then in the bargain you have made. That is the great victory. (Surat at-Tawba: 111)

In the verse quoted above, Allah reminds the faithful to share good tidings with one another. The faithful's source of joy and good humor is that Allah has set them on the true path which will lead to "the great victory." The faithful are those whose selves and wealth are at the disposal of Allah, and who vow to behave virtuously that they may reach Paradise. This is the smartest bargain one can make in the life of this world, and the one with the best reward.
The believers experience this joy that arises from their faith at every stage and every moment of their lives, because Allah is the friend of the faithful, and He has given them the good news that He will always come to their aid, see all their affairs to a favorable conclusion, and shower blessings upon them, and He has promised them Paradise in the afterlife. The faithful, who know that Allah never breaks His covenant, interpret all that they experience in the life of this world according to this knowledge. For this reason, they are certain that everything which they experience is for their benefit. They can see blessings and the positive aspects of difficulties which they face, and in when speaking of these developments they always do so in a way which is optimistic and encouraging. Within themselves they have the peace and security of their reliance on Allah, as well as their trust in Him. They receive their reward for their extraordinary patience through these difficulties and problems. Thinking of their noble reward in Heaven, as recompense for this patience, they are heartened with the good news. Consequently, whatever happens is good news for the faithful, because everything that takes place is brought about by Allah, and He is the friend and guardian of the faithful. Whatever comes from Allah is both beautiful and blessed. Indeed, it is impressive that the faithful can speak of "excellence" even when faced with an event such as a death:
Say: "Do you await for us but one of two most excellent things [i.e., martyrdom or victory]? ..." (Surat at-Tawba: 52)
The faithful greet death as something good because, for those who have lived their lives sincerely, pledging themselves wholeheartedly to Allah, it is not an end but a new beginning. In the afterlife, Allah will recreate believers in the most beautiful form, and give them blessings of a wonder and variety not to be compared with those of the life of this world. As a result of their living their lives in the type of submission of which Allah approves, He has promised His servants the greatest and most wonderful blessings. For that reason, the joy and contentment of the faithful is unconditional. No matter what difficulties they encounter, their manner of speaking is always such to reflect their gratitude to Allah.
However, it is necessary to add that the ability of the faithful to see the good and positive side of things is not a cop-out. They exercise their wisdom to the best of their ability, in order to be able to see the good in everything they experience, as well as to be able to overcome the difficulties which they encounter.
Where the morality expounded in the Qur'an is not adhered to, it is difficult to encounter a pleasant manner of speaking, even in the best of times. For whatever reasons, some people make a habit of finding the negative in everything and speaking pessimistically. They do not know how to be happy about anything, and try to find things to grumble, complain and moan about. They make a habit of being bearers of bad news and prodding others into discontent. Their spiritual state is somber and they provoke one another into thinking negatively about everything, and lead each other into despair.
Not speaking joyfully is one of the most important characteristics in determining those who are of a hypocritical nature who try to find a place for themselves amongst the faithful. Hypocrites carefully avoid giving good news which will bring joy to the faithful, or speaking of events in a positive and cheerful way. They do not want to even listen to good news in the believers' favor. When such news is given them, either they do not respond to it, or they try to dampen the joy of the faithful and take away their pleasure by finding in it something negative. But, they are never successful through such efforts. On the contrary, the ability to avoid these hypocrites, by seeing them for who they are, is a mercy and another yet more good news for the faithful.
Giving good and happy news, and interpreting every event positively despite the pessimistic provocations of the soul, or of Satan, keeps the faithful enthusiastic and cheerful. Their speaking in this way angers the hypocrites and unbelievers, because it renders void their attempts to harm the faithful. While they themselves sink into despair and hopelessness for the minutest reason, they observe with envy the faithful who are not in the least affected by the turn of events which to them are seen as negative. Because they do not understand that the source of the believers' disposition is faith, they do not discern the source of their strength.
Talk imbued with good news and positivity may enable those whose faith is weak, and who easily fall into despair, to find strength, to see the truth and to fortify their faith. The faithful, who manifest their contentment with Allah and their submission to Him with their cheerful and joyful way of speaking, hope, through this manner of devotion, to earn Allah's contentment and approval. This reward as Allah promises to the believers is described in the Qur'an as follows:
The forerunners—the first of the Muhajirun [i.e., migrants] and the Ansar [i.e., supporters]—and those who have followed them in doing good: Allah is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. He has prepared Gardens for them with rivers flowing under them, remaining in them timelessly, for ever and ever. That is the great victory. (Surat at-Tawba: 100)
(For further reference, please see, Muslim Way of Speaking, by Harun Yahya)
The Caller
O you who believe! Respond to Allah and to the Messenger when He calls you to what will bring you to life! Know that Allah intervenes between a man and his heart, and that you will be gathered to Him. (Surat al-Anfal, 8:24)
People assume that they can take the best care of themselves and thus make the best decisions, set principles for themselves, and believe that their lives will be good if they adhere to these principles. But this is a great delusion, for Allah created humanity and is nearer to each person than his or her own jugular vein. A person may not know many things about himself; however, Allah encompasses everything about him, for He holds complete control over his seen and unseen features, his most inner thoughts, and his subconscious. Furthermore, a person can never know what she will face the next moment or may well forget some of her past experiences. But Allah, Who never forgets or errs, knows all that has happened—and ever will happen—in every person’s life. For these very reasons, only Allah knows what is best for each person.

Indeed, Allah draws attention to this fact:
... It may be that you hate something when it is good for you, and it may be that you love something when it is bad for you. Allah knows, and you do not know. (Surat al-Baqara, 2:216)
For this reason, a person needs to respond to Allah and comply with the “path that will bring him to life.” Allah made this path clear through the Qur’an, which He revealed to our Prophet (saas). In every verse, Allah gives a detailed account of how a person must conduct himself or herself in order to attain salvation.
(For further reference, please see, Names of Allah, by Harun Yahya)



Wisdom is the ability to determine what is right and most appropriate. All speech, decisions, and behavior of people of wisdom are wise and proper. They can explain a subject in the most correct, most concise, and wisest manner; can make the right diagnosis of an event, a person, or a behavior; react to events wisely; and can exhibit the finest behavior. Therefore, people of wisdom are also people of high intelligence.
One can have wisdom only through belief in Allah and following the Qur’an, for the Qur’an is the only source that teaches humanity the truth of events, good and wise behavior, thought, and speech.
Allah gives wisdom as a blessing to His sincere servants who turn to Him. The Qur’an points out that Allah grants this gift to whom He wills:
He gives wisdom to whoever He wills, and he who has been given wisdom has been given great good. But no one pays heed but people of intelligence. (Surat al-Baqara, 269)
* Can one refrain from enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong because of one’s environment or the people one knows?
Allah commands people to call one another to good and to forbid wrong. When the believers notice a person exhibiting a behavior that Allah does not like, they should obey His command by calling that person to what is right. They should never hesitate to remind people of what Allah says and to invite them to righteousness, because Allah has told the believers to continue to remind people about His commands:
It is a Book sent down to you—so let there be no constriction in your breast because of it—so that you can give warning by it and as a reminder to the believers. (Surat al-A`raf, 2)
(For further reference, please see, Quick Grasp of Faith 1, 2, 3 by Harun Yahya)
By Harun Yahya
Communism is an ideology that drowned the 20th century in blood. Communist dictators such as Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot slaughtered 120 million people without batting an eye. Most of these were civilians from their own people. Tens of millions of men and women, from the elderly to young people and babies in arms, lost their lives to this cold, hard, savage ideology.
This book exposes the scourge of Communism and reveals the materialist philosophy and the Darwinist dogma underlying it. More importantly, it draws attention to a greater danger. The Communist threat has not disappeared from the face of the earth: Even now it is lying in wait! This source of bloodshed, which has cost the lives of 120 million, still exists.
Unless its ideological underpinnings — materialism and Darwinism — are destroyed, it will insidiously flourish under the mistaken belief that “Communism is dead” and reappear for fresh savagery and cruelty when the time is ripe.


When the Communist Party came to power in 1949, China rapidly turned into a state that spread terror throughout the world. Its policies based on violence and pressure have continued unabated since those early days. Communist ideology's unfeeling and ruthless conduct towards people and its materialist views that turn relationships between people into purely mechanical intercourse, has led to a ruthless and cruel government instead of a compassionate and just one.
No matter how much the Western media cite the liberal reforms being carried out in the economy and the claim that China is turning to democracy, the Red Chinese government does not have the slightest intention of giving up its total control over the people. Those living in Chinese territory are the proof, and the peoples of both China and East Turkestan are now the major victims of these ruthless practices.