Arab News , the leading English daily newspaper published in Arabia, published Harun Yahya’s article “Purity of Heart Only by Remembering God" on August 21th 2015.
Hearts Find Satisfaction In Remembering God
Prophet (PBUH): Model of purity
That the only God is Allah…
Purity of Heart and Moral Values
How will the Ramadan of 2017 be remembered?
A heart for helping refugees
Remembering Allah in times of trials
Believers are modest from the heart
Surrendering to God's Protection
Never forget that the only God is Allah
Cultivating a humble heart
Joy of Remembering Jesus in Christmas
Repentance Gives Relief to Heart
Remembering Allah’s will while speaking about the future
Never forget to remember Allah
It is essential for Muslims to remember the Nazi’s atrocities and to commemorate their victims
It's essential for Muslims to remember Nazi's atrocities
It is essential for Muslims to remember the Nazi's atrocities and to commemorate their victims
It's essential for Muslims to remember Nazi's atrocities || The Jerusalem Post
Politics is not the only solution
The Things Islamic countries should remember
Only the love of God can provide a solution to violence against women
The constant beating of the heart