Allah created man as a being bound by time and space, while He is unbounded by them and encompasses them, since it is He Who created them. By his very nature, man is confined to time and space, but Allah sees time and space both from within and without and holds them under His control.

This means that Allah sees and knows the beginning, end and duration of everyone’s life simultaneously. For Allah, there is no lapse of time between the beginning of the universe and the Day of Judgment; yet, man perceives this as an infinitely long period. But just as we can see the beginning and end of a yardstick, Allah can see the beginning and end of the universe all at once.

Thus, the past, present and future are all part of a destiny that Allah has predetermined. Allah has revealed this to us in the Qur’an through the concept of destiny. Man can never escape his destiny. In brief, the future of man can be shaped only in the way Allah predetermines it. Therefore, in the Qur’an Allah commands people to say “If Allah wills” while expressing their plans in the future. For no matter what a person may expect to take place, nothing happens except what Allah wills. Muslims have faith in the fact that only what Allah wills will occur, so believers never speak with certainty about the future, even about the next moment. Instead, they say, “In-sha-Allah,” which means, "If Allah wills."

Never say about anything, ‘I am doing that tomorrow,’ without adding ‘If Allah wills.’ (Surat al-Kahf; 23-24)