A9 TV; 2 November 2011

Look what Almighty Allah says in Surat an-Naml, 44: “To the Queen of Sheba; “She was told: ‘Enter the courtyard,’ but when she saw it she supposed it to be a pool...”” The Prophet Solomon (pbuh) was very sweet and lovely. He had it specially built to resemble a pool, it looked just like a pool as it reflected the light in waves. It looked like deep water. He invited Balqis the Queen of Sheba to enter the water. The woman bared her legs and prepared to enter the water. “She supposed it to be a pool.” Note that, not shallow water. And she bared her legs.  “He [Solomon] said, ‘It is a courtyard paved with glass’.” He said it was not a pool. She said, ‘My Lord, I have wronged myself...” The Queen of Sheba said, I have submitted with Solomon to the Lord of all the worlds.” She looks the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) in the eyes as she speaks, and the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) looks her in the eyes. He knows she will bare her legs, and he still tells her to enter the pool. You may tell me that is a very severe way of speaking. But I would never hurt a fly. My language may be harsh, but I have enormous love and compassion. I have fished many number of ants out of water. I cannot let them be harmed.

A9 TV, 3 September 2011

 (The Prophet Solomon’s (pbuh) meeting with Balqis, the Queen of Sheba)

Who stands before the Prophet Solomon (pbuh)? A woman in a human body. Is he dreaming? He looks at that woman. Is it not he who jokes with her? Who tells her to “Enter the pool”? Why does he lead her to the edge of the courtyard? The reason he does so is in order to be able to make that joke. He had prepared the courtyard beforehand, hadn’t he? She imagined it to be deep water. She bared her legs and tried to enter it, but could not. And the joke came out in all its beauty. This is a human being. A woman who had travelled for many miles. He and the woman are alone in the palace. “Enter the courtyard,” says the Prophet Solomon. The verse is explicit. Let me show you. “She bared her legs,” Allah says in the verse. “She supposed it to be a pool,” He says. She bared her legs accordingly. But she was unable to enter the water, despite expecting to do so. The Prophet Solomon (pbuh) laughs at her. They laugh together. They enjoy it. This is a joke. And the woman admires the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) and comes to believe. He wins her love. He is close to her and shows her love and affection. He talks to her and treats her with respect. I mean, he did not turn his back on her as some people say. This is what happens in that event. Then the result is a tragedy. That is the reason for the tragedy in the Islamic world. You are ignoring the Qur’an. The Qur’an describes it explicitly. He tells our Prophet (saas) in a verse: ”...no other women are lawful for you nor may you exchange them for other wives, even though their beauty might be pleasing to you,” It means that he looks at her and is pleased by her beauty and wishes to marry her. Why hide that or try to conceal it? In the same way you cannot hide Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh), so you cannot hide these things, either. The Prophet Moses (pbuh) goes and talks to the girls. They say he is a strong man, that they can tell from his appearance. Is what they see not the human nature of the Prophet Moses (pbuh)? Tell me if I am mistaken, insha’Allah.

A9 TV;  September 1st, 2011

Prophet Solomon (as) is my grandfather, my dear, my lion-like  grandfather; the blessed prophet. May I sacrifice myself for the dust of his feet for Allah’Sssake. He sent a message to Sheba and asked her to come. Sheba was the queen of a community. She came. Prophet Solomon (as) was a humorous  prophet full of love. He was the sweetest of all. He made his people construct a glorious pool. It had a depth; when looked at, you could see a depth of 1 meter, 1,20 meters. It looked deep. He made it to be covered with glass. There is a lighting system. That is how it looked. It looked like a 1-2 meter deep water. It had a lighting system and a  system which created waves. Electricity existed in that time. Pharaoh also used electricity. So did Prophet Solomon (as). He used it extensively. That has become apparent. Previously, I was not sure about it but then we made research and concluded that it is obvious. They used electricity extensively but mostly in palaces. He called the queen of Sheba and made a joke saying, “Get into the pool.” The woman tries to get into the pool but when she steps, it becomes obvious that it is made of glass. They laugh and Prophet Solomon  (as) makes jokes. And the woman says, “Alhamdulillah” and she likes it. Prophet Solomon  (as) gets into her heart through love. He first ensures that she feels attached to him by means of love, trust, quality, the understanding of arts, glory and his candid attitudes. Then he becomes instrumental in her having faith in Allah. And the lady converts to Islam and so does her community. The verses relate exactly like this. Prophet Solomon  (as) was so. The sweetest of all, my dear grandfather Prophet Moses (as) was so. While he immigrated, that blessed Prophet (as) saw two daughters of a Prophet (as) and he spoke them looking into their eyes. So do the ladies. But they do not look at the shepherds there while they look at Prophet Moses (as). Why? Because he is a person of quality; he is reliable, clean, good and positive. What do they say? The ladies say, “He is a reliable and strong person.” How would they know his strength? Could they understand it without looking at him? How would they know? This means that they looked. They saw his strength. Could they know that he is reliable? They conversed, saw the way he looked, observed his tone of voice, assessed his style and then understood. This is what Allah relates us in the Qur’an. Prophet Moses  (as), on the other hand, is very reliable. So are the daughters of the prophet. They are both pure like light. They make a very good assessment in saying that he is reliable and strong. The reliability of a person is understood from his way of speaking. Can one understand it without looking at his eyes and face? The meaning in one’s eyes displays one’s reliability. The tone of his voice, emphasis and the statements he makes convey that reliability. This means that they have established a close relation and thus say that he is strong. Can they know that he is strong without seeing him?

(About the light resembling a laser used in the time of Prophet Solomon (as))

From what I understand, he used a light like a laser because he keeps it in a leaden box. This is something very weird. It is also stated that the box is filled with wheat: probably they may be the bullet entities looking like wheat. That is what the eyewitness tells. It might have been put into chipped lead, powdered lead, the kind of granulized  lead resembling powder. The green stone because there is mentioned  something like a worm and it is said that it had eyes. That is, an open space and this stone had been placed upon it. There is an explanation that stones and metals were cut by it. Notice that they were very attentive. Electricity was widely used; it is obvious, there were light bulbs and all other kinds of equipment. They were all complete. That is, we disclosed the entire system. We examined all the pictures and historical documentaries. This is not the kind of electricity that is generated by hydropower. They used a few methods to produce electrical power. They used them. We also examined how they cut the stones; indeed; they cut them like razor blades; in a very sharp manner. For instance, they cut a 50 meter stone like a razor. There was no equipment in that era that was capable of doing it. That is, it is not something that could be accomplished by metal tools. If it had been, it would have ruptured, broken off. Also some kind of oval shape  is given to the stone; a stone of 100 meters, 50 meters. It seems flawless; a mathematical, geometrical flawlessness is in question. They had cut it with something resembling a laser. We are now making research on it. It is also available in books. But it is covertly described and we could not understand completely what it is. It is one of the secrets of the palace Insha’Allah.

A9 TV; September 7th, 2011

Allah reveals the character of Prophet Solomon (as). He does not step on an ant. He smiles when he sees the ants and makes jokes to them. He and his army stands until the ants pass by. He can not dare to do harm to even ants. He is so gentle, affectionate and compassionate. He is a man of compassion. Allah especially stresses this. The female ant says, “Be careful, Prophet Solomon (as) comes” and Prophet Solomon (as) smiles at it. He hears the ant’s speech. From this we understand that animals have a particular language. If a person uses the unused parts of his brain, that means that we can also hear the speeches of animals.



A9 TV, 5 April 2012

What was the Prophet Solomon’s (pbuh) purpose? He wants her [Balqis] to be saved in the hereafter and to go to paradise. The Prophet Solomon (pbuh) first had a floor resembling a pool made, the floor of the palace. That would need light and many other things. A glorious technology would have to be used. The woman was also highly intelligent, a head of state. He brings her to the palace and tells her to enter the pool. The woman could have said this was not a pool. She could have said it looked like a pool but was not one. But she was convinced it was a pool. She bared her legs. Did the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) know she would bare her legs? He said that so she would bare her legs. So he knew she would bare them, and was joking with her. The woman bared her legs, but when she put her feet there, she encountered a hard floor. Then our blessed ancestor Solomon (pbuh) said that this was a floor that resembled a pool. The woman was astonished, and this was instrumental in her coming to faith, masha’Allah. She was a most wonderfully attractive woman, famed for her loveliness. Balqis the queen of Sheba has gone down in legend. All of Sheba was devoted to him after that. Do you see the effect of the love he showed that woman? Masha’Allah.

Allah tells us that the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) would rub his horses’ necks and legs. Would a bigot do that? Allah is emphasizing love here. He is teaching love, how love should be. Bigots are enemies of love. There is love in paradise and in this world. Love is a great blessing in this world. But the distinguishing feature of bigots is that they try to kill love.

The queen of Sheba became our mother. He was instrumental in a whole nation coming to believe, do you see? The love he showed her there. He joked with her, and won her over. If you leave the job to a bigot, he will just say, “You unbeliever, you impious thing.” He will order her head to be beheaded. But the prophet shows love and affection and invites her to his palace. A bigot would just turn his back. But the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) shows lobe and jokes with her and wins her over. He becomes close to her. They are alone in the palace. Would a bigot ever do that. Never. That could never happen. But it can happen with the moral values of the Prophet Solomon (pbuh).


A9 TV, 31 August 2011

Almighty Allah speaks of the Prophet Solomon (pbuh). Fanatics should pay close heed.

 “he [Solomon] said, ‘I have put the love of good things above the remembrance of my Lord"

He says he loves good things. He loves wealth, gold, beautiful women and fine horses. He does not refer to people as things, of course, but I am giving the general sense of the sentence. The Prophet Solomon (pbuh) says he loves fine thrones and columns, lovely carpets and glorious palaces. “I love these,” he says. “Do you know why I love them? Because of my love of Allah, I love them as manifestations of Allah, because I remember Allah.”

Surah Sad, 32-34, 37

The Prophet Solomon (pbuh) says “When swift horses, champing at the bit,were displayed before him in the afternoon,”

There is a sign here, of course."Return them to me!’And he set about slashing through their shanks and necks.”

This is a sign of love. Allah shows what a lovely thing love is there. And He cites an example in order to express love. Look, the words are very explicit.

“And he set about slashing through their shanks and necks.

We tested Solomon and placed a lifeless body on his throne.”

There is also a secret here, which I shall explain later, insha’Allah.

Allah places satans at his command. At the Prophet Solomon’s (pbuh) command.

“And the satans, every builder and diver,”

He commands them.

The Prophet Solomon (pbuh) is given a power. Allah provides an instrument for him in the carving of stone and the cutting of hard objects. We will examine this later, insha’Allah. For example, there is a worm eating at the Prophet Solomon’s (pbuh) staff. We will also be seeing what that means, insha’Allah. It is like a laser. It is very sharp, like a laser – cutting through with light. And it cuts through stone like a razor. One can see this stone in Israel. It cannot be explained. Nobody can explain how it was cut. It is carved so finely you cannot even get a razor blade between the joins of the two stones. That is how accurately it is cut. Because it was not cut using hands and chisels. We will also be looking at these things, insha’Allah. Maybe it was something used by Hazrat Khidr (pbuh), we shall see. As you know, Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) was a master stonemason and made excellent buildings. What did he cut those stones with? With what the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) gave his builders? Nobody knows. We shall look at that, insha’Allah. But that is enough for now. There is even reference to an object hidden in a lead bowl. A body placed inside ears of wheat to preserve it, but hidden inside a bowl of lead. There is mention of a green stone. We will look at these, insha’Allah.

“Every builder”

In other words, Almighty Allah places stonemasons and architects at the Prophet Solomon’s (pbuh) command. He will also place these stonemasons and master builders at Hazrat Mahdi’s (pbuh) command. I wonder if that refers to freemasons? Because freemasons all regard themselves as stonemasons, as you know. Insha’Allah.

A9 TV, 31 August 2011

Almighty Allah speaks of the Prophet Solomon (pbuh). Fanatics should pay close heed.

 “he [Solomon] said, ‘I have put the love of good things above the remembrance of my Lord"

He says he loves good things. He loves wealth, gold, beautiful women and fine horses. He does not refer to people as things, of course, but I am giving the general sense of the sentence. The Prophet Solomon (pbuh) says he loves fine thrones and columns, lovely carpets and glorious palaces. “I love these,” he says. “Do you know why I love them? Because of my love of Allah, I love them as manifestations of Allah, because I remember Allah.”

Surah Sad, 32-34, 37

The Prophet Solomon (pbuh) says “When swift horses, champing at the bit,were displayed before him in the afternoon,”

There is a sign here, of course."Return them to me!’And he set about slashing through their shanks and necks.”

This is a sign of love. Allah shows what a lovely thing love is there. And He cites an example in order to express love. Look, the words are very explicit.

“And he set about slashing through their shanks and necks.

We tested Solomon and placed a lifeless body on his throne.”

There is also a secret here, which I shall explain later, insha’Allah.

Allah places satans at his command. At the Prophet Solomon’s (pbuh) command.

“And the satans, every builder and diver,”

He commands them.

The Prophet Solomon (pbuh) is given a power. Allah provides an instrument for him in the carving of stone and the cutting of hard objects. We will examine this later, insha’Allah. For example, there is a worm eating at the Prophet Solomon’s (pbuh) staff. We will also be seeing what that means, insha’Allah. It is like a laser. It is very sharp, like a laser – cutting through with light. And it cuts through stone like a razor. One can see this stone in Israel. It cannot be explained. Nobody can explain how it was cut. It is carved so finely you cannot even get a razor blade between the joins of the two stones. That is how accurately it is cut. Because it was not cut using hands and chisels. We will also be looking at these things, insha’Allah. Maybe it was something used by Hazrat Khidr (pbuh), we shall see. As you know, Hazrat Khidr (pbuh) was a master stonemason and made excellent buildings. What did he cut those stones with? With what the Prophet Solomon (pbuh) gave his builders? Nobody knows. We shall look at that, insha’Allah. But that is enough for now. There is even reference to an object hidden in a lead bowl. A body placed inside ears of wheat to preserve it, but hidden inside a bowl of lead. There is mention of a green stone. We will look at these, insha’Allah.

“Every builder”

In other words, Almighty Allah places stonemasons and architects at the Prophet Solomon’s (pbuh) command. He will also place these stonemasons and master builders at Hazrat Mahdi’s (pbuh) command. I wonder if that refers to freemasons? Because freemasons all regard themselves as stonemasons, as you know. Insha’Allah.

A9 TV, 15 August 2011

Surat an-Naml

 “We gave knowledge to David and Solomon”

The lives of both the Prophet David (as) and the Prophet Solomon (as) are described in the Qur’an, and both also allude to the life of the Mahdi.

“We gave knowledge”

Allah gave Hazrat Mahdi (as) special knowledge or special states in a single night.

“who said, ‘Praise be to Allah Who has favoured us over many of His servants who are believers.”

Because they are specially selected.

“Solomon’s troops, made up of jinn and men and birds, were assembled for him, paraded in tight ranks.”

“Take this letter of mine and deliver it to them and then withdraw from them a little and see how they respond’.”

Allah notes how this person is given time to think after receiving the message.

“It is from Solomon and says: “In the name of Allah, All-Merciful, Most Merciful.”

Beginning a task by saying the names of Allah, ar-Rahman and ar-Rahim imparts a  special abundance and beauty, insha’Allah .

“Do not rise up against me,”

What is the great scourge of disbelief and hypocrites? Pride, feelings of superiority. Modest people are always popular. Good natured people are always well loved. But arrogant people are deeply unpleasant.

"A woman ruling over them…She possesses a mighty throne.” So women can be rulers. The throne of Solomon.

"Who brings out what is hidden in the heavens and the earth”

Because the djinn have the attribute of finding what is hidden in the earth and sky. If a document or anything is needed, some people can pray to Allah to make the djinn their instruments.

“He said, ‘Disguise her throne.”

The Qur’an refers to thrones a great deal.

“We shall see whether she is guided or someone who is not guided.’

Then when she came, she was asked, ‘Is your throne like this?’ She said, ‘It is exactly like it’.”

A clear, three-dimensional image formed. An image with the people around.

A9 TV, 25 February 2011

The Prophet Solomon (as) was a prophet who loved beauty. “O Lord, Your approval is the reason for delight in these objects, in the entities You create” he says. There were all kinds of animals in his palace. There were wild animals and birds and pheasants in his palace. He liked them very much. He even loved ants. He was very affectionate towards them and careful never to tread on them. He was full of love. There were birds and horses he fed. When the horses came he would stroke their necks and legs, Allah tells us. Almighty Allah provides details. Allah shows us how to love. He bestows this love in our souls. The soul is structured to love. Allah creates necks, and the stroking of necks and the delight taken in stroking necks. Why should Allah create it if it is not pleasurable? Allah says he [the Prophet Solomon (as)] strokes their legs. Allah creates that in such a way as to be pleasurable. This is in human nature, the human soul. Allah speaks of the strolling of necks in human nature, in the soul, in the Qur’an. The Prophet Solomon (as) says, "My Lord, forgive me and give me a kingdom the like of which will never be granted to anyone after me”. And Allah bestows a magnificent beauty on the Prophet Solomon (as). The Prophet Solomon’s (as) palace was plated with fine gold. Gold was everywhere. And there were fine tones created by semi-precious stones such as agate and amethyst. These were used in great quantities. The whole palace was decorated with them. Then there were adornments of cloth, curtains of fine fabric. He made a wondrous palace. He was a very tasteful and lovely person. Allah told him what the palace should be like through revelation, how he should make his palace. He built a wide-ranging and lovely palace. He made it into a place of worship, praying there five times a day. All Muslims and he himself used to pray there. He built enormous kitchens for poor there. The spread of cooking meat would radiate for many kilometers around every day. There were barbecues all along the front of his palace. The lovely smell of cooking meat went on all day, and it was handed out to the poor. They slaughtered animals in a lawful manner, pronouncing the name of Allah. His servants had special clothing. All the servants were very elegant. The Prophet Solomon (as) was also very elegant. Everywhere was very clean and sparkling. Allah says there were djinn who obeyed his commands. Millions of djinn were at his command. If he wanted to learn something, he would tell the djinn to find out and come and tell him, and they would tell him what was happening. There were djinn who took pearls out of oysters for him. They produced coral from under the sea. They brought them to the Prophet Solomon (as). There was much detailed work. Allah says he [the Prophet Solomon (as)] built cauldrons that could not be moved. He decorated places with pools and towers, and wonderful works of art and statues. The Prophet Solomon’s (as) palace was wonderfully decorated. He constantly gave thanks to Allah. He had 300 wives and 700 concubines. He had a thousand women in total. They dressed very beautifully and were immaculate, and the Prophet Solomon (as) delighted in them. They were by his side in the palace. He looked from one to the other and constantly gave thanks to Allah. He had birds and horses he loved and all kinds of animals. There were trees and flowers, it was a kind of paradise. The whole city of Jerusalem smelt of flowers. Our Prophet (saas) says that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will resemble the Prophet Solomon (as) since their times will resemble one another. He will resemble the Prophet in terms of character and a tendency to wealth. Hazrat Mahdi (as) will ask for wealth for Allah. We are talking of a glorious wealth. Our prophet (saas) says he also resembles the Prophet Dhu’lQarnayn (as). The Prophets Solomon (as) and Dhu’lQarnayn (as) are described in the Qur’an in order to describe Hazrat Mahdi (as). I am a great admirer of the Prophet Solomon (as). Of course, Rasulullah (saas) is above them all. He is the greatest Prophet there has ever been. But Allah did not give our Prophet (saas) global dominion. His dominion is in the Hereafter. But Allah gives that sovereignty to his son, to his grandson, to one from his line. What He gives Hazrat Mahdi (as) is much greater than what gave to the Prophet Solomon (as). Therefore, Allah has given the Prophet (saas) more possessions, by bestowing them on his descendant.