Arab News , the leading English daily newspaper published in Arabia, published Harun Yahya’s article “Racism in Europe: Who is to blame?" on January 24th 2015.
Presidential system is a threat to Turkey
The Presidential System is a Threat to Turkey
Why Does the PKK Want a Presidential System?
The interest of the Islamic world is on Turkey
The Presidential System Did Not Bring Peace and Tranquility to the World
Towards the Presidential Election in Turkey
Plants with interesting qualities
Turkey heeds its conscience rather than its interests || Arab Times
The "Ottoman Administrative System" Was Not a Presidential System
Enormous interest in The Creation Exhibition in France
The Greek Press Are Also Taking An interest in The Atlas Of Creation
Conflicts of Interest in Libya
Surat Al-Jumu'a, 11 (Hypocrites are after their interest)
The flawless system in a single cell
The salvation of the Islamic world will come about through Turkey || System of the Mahdi
Interesting Hearts in the Animal Kingdom
The superior flight system in insects
A federal system is not a viable option for Turkey
Applause for interest rates being lowered
A system planned in its every detail
Insects with marvelous systems
Emergency Medical Team At the Presidential Palace
Interest in Islam among Young People
“Three party system” proposal for Syria