What He Said?What Happened?

Mr. Adnan Oktar frequenly speaks about love, peace and friendship. In these statements he emphasizes that the tone employed in foreign policy must be based on lovenot interests and that as a country we should follow a policy that is religious, loving and considers everybody's interests. 

President Mr. Erdoğan also made a speech emphasizing that the foreign policy of Turkey will not be based on interests.

8 December 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: First of all the tone in foreign policy is scary. “ In accordance with national interests, it is about our national interest.” If you are interested in benefits, interests, etc. how will you be friends in such an environment? How will you befriend?

They consider love as a luxury, they say, “it would be good if it existed.” But it doesn’t work, when love doesn’t exist there are wars. There is terror, anarchy, horror. No one is safe. So, the most significant thing for the whole world is political love, social love and healing love. When this doesn’t exist, a pitiless soul reigns.whole system collapses. Politics go down, trade goes down, law goes down, everywhere is mayhem. Meaning, a merciless soul is dominant. 


19 December 2015, Mr. Adnan Oktar’s article published in Arab News

 ADNAN OKTAR: There is a pattern everybody is accustomed to: Interests of a country. Leadersalways use this keyword while explaining the logic of frictions they have with other countries to their citizens. International meetings are the places where countries negotiate and decide what they should do for their interests. With an extraordinary seriousness bureaucrats settle  in cold meeting rooms with files in their hands; both parties make calculations about the kind of leverages they have against the another. These meetings are mostly inconclusive; interests are calculated but nobody receivesthe proper share for their interest.

 A policy that is based on building unconditional love must be developed rather than one based on a self-seeker approach called “country interests”. It is high time to see that the materialistic and self-seeker mentality that many politicians firmly believe hurt lives and countries. Love that some consider as an utopia is the solution to all the troubles.

 22 December 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR:...There shouldn’t be a subject called national interest. We should work for everybody’s interest. We should be crushed and work for others’ happiness. That is what is becoming of such a

noble nation, of such a noble government. Self-seeking won’t behove, egoism won’t behove. For instance Armenia, we can open the borders without provision and say “ here, come” that’s it. For example if Greece is going down, we can open the borders and work with all the effort we have to fix its trade. We will go and built facilities there, we will make them built facilities here.

 3 January 2015, A9 TV

 ADNAN OKTAR: Life ends where egoism begins. Egoism is poison. It is a deadly poison. Even an inch of it can kill a person, a society. Egoism must disappear from the society. They make official statements, saying “ In compliance with our government’s interestsin compliance with our national interests.” It is over. They should rather say, “ In accordance with the whole Islamic world’s interests, in compliance with whole humanity’s interests.” If you only consider your nation’s interests, then they will also consider their nations’ interests.

23 May 2014, A9 TV

 ADNAN OKTAR: Always benefit, always benefit. The solution of problems must be based on love. What happen if everybody chases his own interests?

 Utilitarianism will be removed. All people will be loved as children of Adam (pbuh). They will all be loved with compassion, all be mercied. Love will conquer.” Our countries interest” “your interest” but what happens to others’ interests? He says “ I don’t care.” This won’t work. This means he doesn’t have love.


12 January 2016, Sözcü

In a conference he attended our President Mr. Erdoğan gave a speech emphasizing that the foreign policy of Turkey will not be based on interests:

“ Our outlook on the region can never be limited to  economical, military, geopolitical interests or recent developments. Our understanding of culture and civilization obliges us to look at the world all the same. For us, defending human values is not a cover of any policy. Is is a necessity of our thousand year old government tradition. “