Hypocrites are a part of life. Their existence is also vital for Islam; hypocrites are a must for the struggle. They are definitely created by God, so are disbelievers and satan. There is nothing to be surprised about it. Also, it is not really that hard to identify hypocrites. The means to do so has greatly improved in our time; taking one look at hypocrites' profiles on Instagram or Facebook will instantly give away their true characters in all aspects such as their goals, tones, personalities; for example, it becomes quite evident if they are British deep state admirers. It is impossible not to recognize them. For example, since the Rumi philosophy is the religion of the British deep state, you can see them speak in praise of the Rumi philosophy- here I should add that they are not followers of the Rumi philosophy. They only use it as a slogan. Members of the British deep state loathe the Rumi philosophy. However, they use that bizarre discourse and schizophrenic expressions such as 'you, the lonely man, shall come one day, but you will pass through a dark tunnel' etc. to communicate among each other. When they communicate between each other, they bring the subject to this point and interpret that writing through a schizophrenic reasoning. For example, they never share any posts about Muslims on their Instagram profiles; this is how their hatred manifests. If they are friends with any Muslims, they unfriend them to avoid any interaction; yet they embrace anyone who is a disbeliever. They strike conversations with the members of the PKK or the British deep state, with atheists, with the enemies of Islam; not because they are fond of them, but to curry favors with them, to seek power among them. Of course these are not definitive norms, but the signs that contribute to the total norms that identify hypocrites. These signs can manifest in sick or unstable or temperamental people, but they might be seen in hypocrites too. We cannot say that these are definitive signs of hypocrisy, but rather supporting ones.

For example, there might be an urgent issue which pains Muslims' consciences; but looking at the social media profiles of such people, one can see that they are nonchalantly occupied some other insignificant issues. While Muslims are concerned with a vital issue, they are only interested in their own pleasure or other subjects. Of course, these are not definitive norms, but when all of these are taken into score, they form a standard for hypocrisy. When we sum up the points from their suspicious deeds, we can recognize them from the total of sinister points. For example, Muslims are concerned over a crucial issue, but these people sit back and watch games, movies or are occupied with some other form of amusement. They show a total disregard towards that vital issue. Hypocrites can be recognized by their indifference. Hypocrites are quite nonchalant. They are rude, tactless and disrespectful. They are crass and blunt, always diving headfirst into a conversation. Thus, they are never fazed by any events. They have apathetic in mind and soul; in other words, they are obtuse people.

The word "hypocrite (munafiq)" comes from the Arabic word "an-nefeku" which means "a dungeon; or a tunnel, or the word "an-nâfikatu" which means "mole hole." One can draw a parallel between this word (munafiq) and the word "dissension (nifak) in that, just as a mole entering his molehill from one side and exit from the other, hypocrites enter the Islamic community from one side and exit from the other. Molehills have two tunnels that go down to the burrow. One of the holes leading to these tunnels is completely out in the open while the other is hidden and covert. And this is called "nafıka". Moles thin down these hidden holes to a point where they can easily smash it open in case of an emergency. In other words, these holes have thin covers. When they are in emergency or peril, they hit these thin walls with their nose and get out of the burrow, breaking off all connection with the molehill. It is the same with hypocrites, in that they live among Muslims but always strive to leave them. Hypocrites always have a desire to leave. But they live inside the tunnel. And when they encounter a situation that clashes with their hypocrisy, that they cannot handle, they smash down that wall with their noses and escape through it. Otherwise, they normally live within that tunnel in secrecy. As you know, moles are blind. So are hypocrites, but in a spiritual sense. This is why dajjal is blind as well; these are all related to this.



"Man was created (as) hasty." (Surah al-Anbiya, 37) says God- I seek refuge in God from satan. Man was created (as) hasty. People want everything to be over and done with. But this year, 2016, will go followed by 2017, which will be marked by great incidents. Look at how patience God is. Heaven and earth will move in 2017. 2018 will witness even greater incidents. After 2019, the rain will start falling down. 2020, 2021 and 2023 will be the apex point.

2017 will make people long for 2016. In other words, 2017 will be full of hardship. It will be a year marked by escalating incidents and conflicts. It is the same with 2018. It seems so according to the hadiths. 2019 will usher in a period of recovery. This will last until 2021, 2023, God knows the best.

The existence of so many loveless people is a typical characteristic of this era that is the End Times. If people are surprised by this, then it means they failed to understand the End Times. The loveless masses will be quite prevalent. This will last until about between 2016 and 2019. And then it will stop abruptly. Then the situation will reverse. People will realize the significance of love, mercy and compassion. Right now, people are under the effects of Dajjal's venom, Dajjal's spell. This is why there are many uncouth people with unsound minds and bodies. Because lovelessness is wreaking havoc on people. We are at a point where the effects of Dajjal's venom on people are at their highest. In fact, this will conduce towards the emergence of Jesus Messiah. It will conduce towards the appearance of Hazrat Mahdi (as) and Jesus Messiah. If this did not take place, in other words, if this lack of love did not occur, Hazrat Mahdi (as) would not appear. Nor would Jesus Messiah. This has to happen. This atmosphere of lovelessness is essential. It is only thereafter that Mahdi (as) and Jesus Messiah appears. Therefore, there is nothing to be surprised about. They would not appear, if a loving atmosphere prevailed. Neither Jesus Messiah nor Hazrat Mahdi (as) would come.



This world is created as a place of trial. God is not concerned with individuals, what they do or do not achieve. God did not created the world so that bridges and highways can be built. No government is God's concern. Love, friendship and beauty are what concerns God. God wants love, beauty to prevail. And to that end, God uses force if it is necessary. God wants His subjects to love Him in any case. He says, "I will love them too. But they must not forget about me. If they do, I will do something they cannot forget." Every incident takes place to remind people of God. When God is forgotten, such incidents occur and will continue to do so. And Hazrat Mahdi (as) is essential, indispensable for God. So is Jesus Messiah. "God does not break His promise." (Surah ar-Rum, 6) says God in the verse of the Qur’an.



Hazrat Mahdi's (as) calm demeanor will cause further panic. People usually expect a more aggressive stand from the Mahdi movement, an agitated, anxious, "please acknowledge us" demeanor. However, the Mahdi movement is based on "please do not acknowledge us." In other words, it is based on "please do not regard us as Mahdi." What are their expectations? They expect the Mahdi movement to be based on "please regard us as Mahdi". Since they expect an aggressive stand, they themselves have taken an aggressive stand. The Mahdi movement is quite calm. The Mahdi movement will not accomplish an extensive task. The Prophet Moses (pbuh) was merely walking when he received his prophethood. He did not open schools. He did not carry out operations within the army. He did not collect any money, he did not do anything. He just loved God and was all alone. He loved God dearly. He would travel at night. He says, "I can make out a light," out of nowhere. "‘Wait here. I can make out a fire. Maybe I will bring you a brand from it, or will find guidance there,’" (Surah Ta Ha, 10) he says. Almighty God says, "...Take off your sandals. You are in the holy valley of Tuwa." (Surah Ta Ha, 12) The entire area is electrified with divine electricity. The whole field is electrified. Almighty God makes him take off his sandals so that he too comes under its effect. The electricity passes to his body. The entire place is electrified. The bush there is ablaze although it is fresh and green. How can this happen? This is indeed a curious miracle. The lush bush is on fire. Almighty God says, "I am your Lord." (Surah Ta Ha, 12) "'I have chosen you, so listen well to what is revealed.’" (Surah Ta Ha, 13) "I am God." (Surah Ta Ha, 14) "What is that in your right hand, Moses?" (Surah Ta Ha, 17) God asks. God knows best, he is going through a spiritual shock due to the intensity of the incident. The Prophet Moses (pbuh) speaks very clearly. He knows that he is talking to God. Normally, he should be so scared that he could not muster up the strength to speak. But God grants him courage and he starts speaking clearly. "It is my staff. I lean on it and beat down leaves for my sheep with it and have other uses for it.’" (Surah Ta Ha, 18) He speaks in a sincere, intimate manner. "What is that in your right hand, Moses?" (Surah Ta Ha, 17) asks God. Look, here God goes into detail. "What is that in your right hand?" Had God asked, "What is in your hand?" maybe he might have explained what he held in his other hand. We can deduce from the verse that his other hand is also full. Not only his right hand, but his both hands are full. That is why God asks, "What is that in your right hand?" "It is my staff," answers the Prophet Moses (pbuh). "He said, 'Throw it down, Moses.'"  (Surah Ta Ha, 19) When he complies and throws the staff down, it turns into a very much alive snake made of flesh, bones, bodily fluids, cells, chromosomes, vacuole etc. And to express his sweet reaction when he sees the snake, Almighty God says, "Then when he saw it slithering like a snake he turned and fled and did not turn back again." (Surah al-Qasas, 31) Here we see that Almighty God loves adorable behavior. We also realize from God's tone that He finds the Prophet Moses (pbuh) sympathetic. It is understood from the details God provides that He liked his reaction. Not in a humanistic sense, but God likes it. "...he turned and fled and did not turn back again," says God. Of course, this is not an ordinary fleeing; he is utterly terrified of the snake. Then Almighty God says, "Moses, approach and have no fear!" (Surah al-Qasas, 31) The voice is coming from the bush, yet even though the Prophet Moses (pbuh) is far away, he can clearly hear it; this is a marvelous trial. He is actually going through a huge shock. This is not as easy as people imagine it is. This is something not every person, people with tachycardia can handle. Imagine what would happen to such a person when even the Prophet Moses (pbuh) has such a reaction. Almighty God calls him back.