Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated April 22nd, 2014
Fanaticism and Lack of quality are grave dangers
Those who want to change the world
Muslims want the Turkish-Islamic Union
Six-trillion-dollar grave
The true friend is Allah who wants all goodness for his servants
Allah Almighty wants Muslims to be affectionate and loving
Pseudo Intellectual Sycophants who Infiltrate Muslims
Turkish traces in India
Jews News: “The Muslim Leader who quotes the Torah”
Those who say that ''Communism is not a danger anymore'' are being deceived by the communists.
Looking at this life from grave?
Trump’s dangerous rhetoric turns serious
Danger of Physical and Mental Sloth
Iraq is in Danger of Facing a New Crisis
Satan is the most dangerous enemy to man. However it is very easy for a Muslim to neutralize the satan.
Would you want to be friends with a person who displays a different and surprise personality every day or every hour of the day?