February 1st, 2009: Kon Tv Adnan Oktar: The best thing is, first of all we are living in a beautiful country. Our people are beautiful, our future is beautiful. TURKEY WILL BE THE LEADER: TURKEY WILL BE THE LEADER OF THE TURKISH ISLAMIC WORLD. VERY SERIOUS PORTENTS HAVE STARTED TO TAKE PLACE. We are in the End Times, we will see Hazrat Mahdi (as). The appearance of the Prophet Jesus (as) is close. Hazrat Khidir (as) is on duty. We are in a very pleasing age. We are on the verge of the Golden Age. This means an abundance of blessings.
September 21st , 2008: Iraq An Anbar TV Adnan Oktar: These will interlock us to each other, insha'Allah, it will strengthen the bonds of our brotherhood. We are going to a happy, beautiful festival, insha'Allah. These are the signs; the coming of Hazrat Mahdi is very close and the second coming of Jesus (pbuh) is also very close, insha'Allah. There will be a very beautiful unity.
January 19th, 2013: A9 TV ADNAN OKTAR: There will be a unity of Islam because there will be a Turkish-Islamic Union. Turkey will grow and be a servant of all the region, it will serve everyone. There won’t be a closure but there will be an expanse. There won’t be a division but there will be an integration. The movement of the Mahdi will counter attack on an intellectual basis. Almighty God takes it towards victory in its destiny. The movement of the Mahdi is destined to win and the movement of the anti-Christ is destined to lose.
July 28th, 2013: A9 TV Adnan Oktar: Mahdi (as) will not be revealed without the disturbance of the peace and the rise of disorder. These things will happen and extremely severe incidents will happen. People will be in tears and then people will follow the Mahdi. Right now, our Prophet’s sayings are coming true in a very orderly and rational manner. This is the birth pains of the movement of the Mahdi. |