What He Said?What Happened?

In a recent conversation show, Mr. Adnan Oktar stated that the new generation finds 140 characters to be adequate to express themselves on Twitter, and especially the youngsters’ general knowledge is inadequate.

Prime Minister Mr. Erdoğan made a statement resembling Mr. Adnan Oktar. He said, “If our young people find the 140 characters to be adequate for themselves and if they do not make any research, then that is a problem.”

5 November 2015, A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: They conducted a social study on the new generation. Generally most of them react to a sentence in social media without thinking on the subject and without making any research on the whole concept. This is really grave.

The young people usually write 140 letters on Twitter. So they can think of only within that 140 letters. A great majority of them. They do not watch any movie more than two minutes. They are bored of everything. The social media is forming a space where they can spill out the hatred within them because they can hide their identities. They do not aspire for goodness or beauty. This must be fixed as a government policy. In movies and everything else we must intensely dwell on the soul of love, mercy, compassion, protectiveness and sacrifice.


27 November 2015, Akşam

The Prime Minister Mr. Erdoğan gave a speech in University of Bayburt and said:

“If our young people find the 140 characters adequate for themselves and if they do not make any research, then that is a problem.

A generation whose sole information resource is social media is not a generation we have longed for. I also sometimes find the photos and images about current affairs funny. But if we do not turn to real sources of information, considering them sufficient, that would not be acceptable.

We should undertake a serious reconsideration on curriculum.”