What He Said?What Happened?

Both in his interviews and in his articles, Mr. Adnan Oktar always reminds people that it  is wrong to wait for the West to help solve  the problems in the Islamic World, but the thing we should do is to remove the mindset of bigotry and establish the Islamic Union.

Thus, The General Manager of Memur-Sen, Mr. Ahmet Gündoğdu, made a call for Islamic Union and said that it is wrong to hope for help from the West, and the solution lies in establishing an Islamic Union.

A9 TV: November 14th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR:  How can dispute be good? Our Prophet (saas) says, ‘There is oppression in dispute’. In the verses of the Qur'an, Allah says, ‘Do not separate.’ ‘Be together as if you are a solid cemented structure’. Allah says, ‘If you separate, your power would depart and you would fall into dispute’.

‘If somewhere, if somebody hurts a Muslim, all the Muslims around the world come together and answer back’. Muslims should unite. All of the verses in the Qur'an call for unity. But what are you saying? ‘There is good in the division of Muslims.’ You are saying the opposite of the Qur'an. Hundreds of Qur'an verses says dispute is forbidden; Allah says, ‘Unite and establish the Islamic Union’, but they say, ‘It is good to dispute’. In Surah an-Nur, verse 55, Allah says, ‘I will make Islam prevail throughout the world’. And in another verse, which is about the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Allah says, ‘I will establish in authority the ones who believe you and the ones who love you’. There is oppression in dispute; this is the original version of the hadith.

From the article of Mr. Adnan Oktar,  ‘There is a way to end the downward spiral of suffering in the Islamic Geography: Islamic Unity’ which was published on the website Islamonline (February 15th, 2014)

ADNAN OKTAR: The notion of solutions entertained by another part of the Muslim population, on the other hand, is being expectant of the initiatives of the Western countries. In the face of persecution, their aid and guidance is looked for, to the extent of becoming almost totally dependent on the West when such circumstances are in question. This approach assumed by the Islamic world, which would otherwise have a great potential only if they were united, is surely a grave fault and a serious sign of weakness on its part.

The Islamic world, which had been all powerful throughout history, must in no way accept remaining a weak and desperate entity over which plots are hatched.

Muslims’ lack of solidarity is the sole reason for this picture. Faithful people’s failure to act together in a spirit of brotherhood simply causes a disruption on their part.

From the article of Mr. Adnan Oktar published on Al Hadath (February 18th, 2014):

ADNAN OKTAR: The whole Islamic world is suffering from a vicious cycle of violence and the Western world is nowhere near a political approach that could put an end to this: Indeed, from time to time, Western countries opt for an approach that encourages more conflicts, unrest and clashes in the region. Muslims, who are supposed to live in peace and brotherhood together, are now weakened and worn out because of their divided state.

The obvious solution is Islamic countries coming together and building a European Union style confederation. Muslims need to have a civilization supported by highest levels of justice, art and rich culture. Furthermore, the Middle East needs to achieve a social democracy that is at least on par with the legal system recognized by Europe and universal human rights.


Milli Gazete, December 1st, 2014

The General Manager of Memur-Sen, Mr. Ahmet Gündoğdu, made a call for the Islamic Union and said, ‘The West is a civilization that sees killing as the means of living. To hope for help from them is like waiting for a dead man to cry. They are tyrannizing  innocent people by showing the massacres in Palestine as compatible with the falsified Torah. Here, we have a big responsibility. We have to protect these people. Here, the thing we must do is to establish the Islamic Union.’