Mr. Adnan Oktar: Air Strikes Only Increase the Strength of ISIS

Mr. Adnan Oktar: Air Strikes Only Increase the Strength of ISIS

What He Said?What Happened?

In his conversation programs, Mr. Adnan Oktar frequently explains that since the day that ISIS attacks began the US and Europe are organizing air strikes that will not stop ISIS, but that on the contrary, ISIS will get stronger - both in the general sense and in numbers by giving examples from hadiths.

In a news item published on a foreign web site it is noted that ISIS’s field of sovereignty has increased in time following the air strikes with the use of maps.

December 22nd, 2014: Adnan Oktar’s article published on News Rescue

ADNAN OKTAR: The two most important facts that we should not forget when it comes to the struggle against ISIS are: 1. ISIS’s violence will not end through armed struggle. On the contrary, each air strike, each military attack will lead to ISIS getting stronger and dominating a wider area. 2. Just like ISIS, the PKK has also adopted violence as a method and it is a bloody organization that killed even more people than ISIS. On one side there is ISIS, which uses violence in Kobane because they are directed away from the Qur’an, and on the other there is the terrorist organization PKK, which is irreligious and denies the concepts of family and moral values. Supporting one terrorist organization against the other is not logical nor it is a strategy that goes hand in hand with conscience.

November 13rd, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: ISIS will do these things in destiny. It is in destiny. And when Hz Mahdi (as) emerges, they will submit to Hz Mahdi (as). They will reach the borders of Israel and they will take the whole region. Those holding black flags will come from Khorasan.

September 26th, 2014: Adnan Oktar’s Twitter Account

ADNAN OKTAR: As they organize air strikes against ISIS, ISIS will become the single dominant force in the region. If you bomb the whole infrastructure of Iraq, only terror will be able to harbor there.

September 25th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: The PYD and the PKK; these things are over. It is also correct that they are neighbors to ISIS. And the things they say to provide a solution don’t have any basis. We are talking about a community that has been ended. The PKK is erased like vapor at the moment. They also proved themselves to be cowards.  They showed their weakness and lack of support and it is completely over. After this, ISIS will dominate the region. It is seen that they will dominate the region in future.

September 17th, 2014: Adnan Oktar's article published on News Rescue and Weekly Blitz

ADNAN OKTAR: All sorts of military interventions, including air strikes, only cause anti-American movements. During these air strikes, civilians lose their lives, cities are destroyed and infrastructure is destroyed and this causes anger as well as frustration and this anger only supports radial organizations. Spending millions of dollars and only helping to raise masses against her thus providing manpower for terrorist organizations is no doubt something the US does not want.

After 13 years of military struggle in different parts of the world from Afghanistan to Libya, from Nigeria to Iraq, there is an underlying fact: Radical terror cannot be stopped with military methods, violence and pressure; on the contrary it only grows stronger.

A9 TV: September 10th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: It can be done with education and knowledge. There is nothing we can do against ISIS in that sense. Military operations, this and that; these don’t provide solutions. It will not be a smart move because they have an idea and against that idea, you can only struggle with a correct idea. And that idea is the pure state of the Qur’an with no other additions. If we struggle against them purely with the Qur’an, it will end, but of course, ISIS is an outcome of people being raised with ideas coming from superstitions. Superstitions make them this way. If we get them out of these superstitions, it will be over. But the group of people who can do this is the students of the Mahdi. It is very difficult for others to be able to do this. I have said this many times: ISIS will continue to get stronger and increase the degree of violence it uses. No one would want to enter into a battle with them because they also get the support of the local people as they have a more traditional orthodox understanding of faith. This will be abolished through education. But who will provide this education? If they support the system of the Mahdi, it will be solved. Otherwise it will not and they know this as well. We can see that from the desperate state of their words. They speak out of desperation. Where there is desperation and hopelessness, there is the Mahdi. The cure is the Mahdi’s system. What does hopelessness mean? Only those who don’t want to hear about the Mahdi would offer desperation and hopelessness. They are hopeless because they see that the Mahdi’s system is the solution. If a person is using a desperate manner, it means that that person has realized the Mahdi’s system.

A9 TV: July 21st, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: Our Prophet (saas) talks about the incidents that will take place in Syria and Iraq, “They will establish a state.” So they are establishing a state. Our Prophet (saas) says, “They are the people of the state and their names will be their sign.”

For example; “THEY WILL MOVE VERY FASTIDOUSLY.” (Gaybat al-Numani p. 327). Our Prophet (saas) says, “…They will take Kufa and Basra ON A SINGLE NIGHT…” (Kitab al-Sharif p. 174). This is also true that they are moving very fast. He says, “The cities they take will be offered to them.”

He says, “When this is not handed to them, they will fight and win and WHAT THEY DESIRE WILL BE OFFERED TO THEM.”  (Meclisî, Bihârü’l-Envâr, V.51, P.87).  The cities immediately surrender to them. They accept them immediately.


January 15th, 2015: Cofda Wordpress

According to a news item published on the Cofda wordpress news site, it is noted that ISIS has increased its field of sovereignty with a before and after map showing the air strikes organized against ISIS in Syria.
