Musul'un Kurtuluşu Kardeşlik Ruhundadır ve Stratfor'un tarihi çarpıtma girişimleri

The Stratfor think tank, also known as the "Shadow CIA" announced its opinion regarding the Mosul operation and the future of Mosul. The analysis, signed by Reva Goujon in October 2016, asserts that for centuries Turkey and Iraq have been laying claim to Mosul and both nations are in disagreement over it. In the essay, Goujon claims that Turkish Army is after the old-time Ottoman goal, and that it is carrying out operations in Syria to attain this goal.

International news website based in New York – USA, Rescue News, published Harun Yahya’s article “  Mosul’s Salvation Lies With the Spirit of Brotherhood and Stratfor’s Attempt in Distorting History on September10th 2017. You may read the article at the below links.
