The True Salvation of Mosul is Possible Only with the Alliance among the Countries of the Region

The western side of Mosul, still controlled by ISIS, is under siege from all sides. The narrow ancient streets of the region, combined with its high population density are, in a way, the harbinger of the sufferings to come. Considering the fact that 750,000 innocent civilians live in the western section of the city, almost half of whom are children, the gravity of the situation is understood better. The statement by Lt. Gen. Stephen Townsend, commander of the international coalition, confirms these estimates: "There is still a long way to go before [IS] is completely eliminated from Iraq, and the fight for western Mosul is likely to be even tougher than the eastern side."

New York based independent news portal Ekurd Daily published Harun Yahya’s article “The True Salvation of Mosul is Possible Only with the Alliance among the Countries of the Region” on April 06th, 2017.