What He Said?What Happened?

August 10th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: What the CHP needs to do is to be very religious.  If they are religious they will come to power. This is not complicated. Modern and religious; everyone would be proud. Is it possible to do politics in 2014, with the leftist ideologies of the 1800s? That mentality is from the 1800s.

August 13th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: I’m speaking openly. You look at the model of a successful party. Why is it successful? What is behind the success of Master Tayyip? Religiousness. What does he do? He uses the poems of poets who use religious wordings. He does everything that has to do with religiousness. He adopts all the requirements of a religious image. But as a modern religious image: The CHP youth especially needs to live the modern religious life very well. Only then the people would embrace them. As they did with the AK Party they would support them. There is no other way. So with methods left from the Second World War and the classical leftist approach of the 1940s, they would only achieve pathetic results. They would only try and crumble. Nothing would happen. The people would crush them silently and constantly. They should leave this. They should follow this brotherly advice. Look, I’m not saying that they should be bigots. Look, they should be modern and religious. They should be progressive and cultured and ultra -modern and live life to the fullest. Music, painting, fun, sculpture, let’s have everything. But they should love Allah very much and emphasize that very well. It is very easy to live Islam. They should emphasize that they want to live the religion. But for example, respect for Bediuzzaman is a key measurement. I’m telling you this. This is a solution from the top. For example, embracing Suleyman Hilmi Tunahan Master. The CHP should try this if they want. They would grow very much.

A9 TV: July 14th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: The CHP should be more religious.  They should not waste any time. This would only cause them waste time for no reason. This would harm them for no reason. Why do that? The CHP should become one of the communities that best represent modern religion and Islam. There is no need to wait. The time is the time of Islam. The time is the time of the Qur’an. This century is the century of Islam. Since Islam will prevail throughout the world, the CHP could take the lead here. They should not stay behind. This would not suit the CHP. Look what the deceased Ataturk says: “The Islamic would will unite in the future and Turkey should be the leader of this.” He says, “The Turkic realm will also unite. And Turkey should the leader of this as well.” Since the CHP follows the path of Ataturk, this is the ideal and goal of Ataturk as well. They should not wait for this.

A9 TV: April 13th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: There was a program with the CHP youth. I liked it a lot. They talked about, “How can we make the CHP better?” I looked and saw that they are very modern people. Not rigid people; this is very important. It is very important that there are not any communist, anarchist or terrorist people in the CHP. I used to see people like that with a bad appearance. No way.  The CHP is a modern party with bright people. What does Ataturkist mean? It means a person who believes in Allah, loves his people and country; religious but not a bigot. A true religious person who is against bigotry. This is what we expect from the CHP youth. Insha’Allah.

A9 TV: April 18th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: Kılıçdaroğlu is a very decent person. If they reevaluate the CHP and renew it, the CHP could become a modern, religious, reasonable party with a mentality that lives love, avoids conflict, criticizes its past and says, “These were wrong but we are a new CHP.” “The old CHP and the new CHP are two different things.” They should say, “We are completely different. We embrace all of the people.” They keep bringing up ex-leftists:. Bring forward modern young men and women. Give good messages, talk about Allah and religion. Why is the left so distant about this issue? Embrace what is sacred to us. Embrace Said Nursi, Bahattin Naksibendi, Abdulqadir Gaylani and all of them as well as Suleyman Hilmi Tunahan. The people would love you a lot then.

Had the CHP been a little more distant from religion, they would have nothing. They took so many votes just because they are closer to religion.

The best thing the CHP could do is to adopt a spirit and a point of view that will appeal to the spirit of the Anatolian people and go forward as a mass party.


September 14th, 2014: Cumhuriyet Newspaper

Mehmet Bekaroglu, who was elected for the CHP’s party assembly, noted at an interview that the CHP could make peace with religious circles with social democratic policies, and added, “The CHP should have an MP with a headscarf.”