In the closing part of this documentary about life at the Poles evolutionist claims regarding the origin of birds were aired, and it was maintained that there was "absolutely no doubt" concerning the alleged evolutionary link between birds and reptiles.

In the closing part of this documentary about life at the Poles evolutionist claims regarding the origin of birds were aired, and it was maintained that there was "absolutely no doubt" concerning the alleged evolutionary link between birds and reptiles.

Of course there may be anatomical or genetic similarities between some living things. Yet it is totally wrong for anyone encountering such similarities to blindly believe that the origin of these lies in evolution. Similar structures are an indication of a common origin, but that origin is ‘design’ instead of ‘evolution.’ These similarities reveal a common design, and are striking as the work of a common designer.

To give an example, despite coming in different models and have different appearances, computers possess similar chips, which shows that they have a common design. The fact that the complexity of the common structures in living things cannot be accounted for by gradual development shows that all similar structures are the work of a common design, in other words of creation.

The links set up by Animal Planet between birds and reptiles, and which it describes as being ‘absolutely certain,’ rest on an ideological rather than a scientific basis. In order to evaluate the blow dealt to the theory of evolution by the origin of birds in the light of scientific findings, see