Iran’s first English daily newspaper, the Tehran Times published Harun Yahya’s article on December 04th 2016.
A death-dealing journey for a better life
For a Better Future with the Millennials
Dealing with Hatemongers
Life Begins After Death
Turkey’s journey towards the European Union
How can we deal with familiarity?
Mourning preventable deaths
Syria: Death Everywhere
When Will Turkey’s Journey to Join the EU End?
Risky Deal Between Myanmar And Bangladesh
Death Is Not The End
Bury hatred to make world a better place
Living an Unaware Life
The Inhuman Death Penalty Must End
There is a better question for New Scientist to ask!
Life's Various Dimensions
A Nay to Death Penalty By the Mufti of Egypt
Living for the eternal life
When death is not the end
The reality of the worldly life