“We visited the Church of Agape in Samsun last Sunday. We met with church official and spoke about how the coming of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh), whom we love more than life itself, is imminent. We gave him copies of the books "Christians Must Listen to the Prophet Jesus" and "The Glad Tidings of the Messiah". We also asked whether they had any requests or needs. The church official said: “I would like to make one request of your Hodja. We can see your conception of love from looking at you, but we do not see the same conception in other Muslims.” He then asked us to issue statements related to this topic and to talk to other Muslims on the subject.
“Our Christian brothers in Samsun need not be troubled. The people of the Black Sea region are very loving and hospitable”
What kind of mentality and way of thinking is that? So there are a few Christians in Samsun. The great majority of our brothers there are good natured. The people of the Black Sea are loving and hospitable.
Let us send messages of support and love from all over, to our Christian brothers there so their hearts can be at ease. They should not be troubled. The people of the Black Sea are really sweet natured. They are in a safe place and they can relax. Insha’Allah.
“Christians are people who have been devoted to the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) for 2000 years, and it would be very wrong not to treat them with love”
There are a handful of Christians there. There are only a handful of followers of the Prophet Jesus. They have been devoted to him for 2000 years. They have lived under the worst conditions. They have been martyred, beaten and sworn at, but have remained true to their beliefs. It is a fine thing that they are devout and believe in the prophets. They believe in the Hereafter, the existence of God and the oneness of God. We must show them deep love and affection. Anything else would be wrong.
Some fools constantly incite enmity toward Christians and Jews and constantly spread propaganda of hatred. They depict this as required by the faith. Yet they are acting in complete contravention of Islam. Islam wants us to show Jews and Christians love and affection.
Some people fail to understand the verse. Almighty God says "You can marry them.” What does marriage mean? She is your beloved and confidante. “This is how close I want you to be,” says God. They pretend not to understand. “You will find the people most affectionate to those who have faith are those who say, ´We are Christians.´” says God.
What do you want from these immaculate people? When you see these people in the market you must show them respect and affection. When they come to the coffee house you must ask them in and invite them home. When you have prepared food and the table is looking nice, you should say, “Let us invite the priest for dinner.” Then you can pray and talk about the existence and oneness of God, of heaven and hell.
Our brothers have therefore done very well, but they must have a little patience. They will soon see Jesus the Messiah (pbuh) in bodily form. In physical form, as Bediüzzaman puts it. They are going through painful times, but that will increase their merit many times over. The Gospels describe at length how they will suffer. They will earn much merit from that. There will always be utterly foolish people, but the people of the Black Sea, the people of Samsun, are immaculate. By far the great majority are very good and virtuous. But flawed people can appear anywhere in the world. They must have patience. But we are with them at all times, insha’Allah. The entire nation is with them, always, insha’Allah.”
“You recently mentioned how everyone must treat the church in Samsun and our Christian brothers there with affection. A massage has come in from the pastor of the Church of Agape in Samsun. “Thank you for your encouragement and messages,” he says.”
Adnan Oktar: “of course they are very dear to us. It is great they have been followers and disciples of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) for 2000 years. They may be few in number, but they passionately express their submission to God and love of the Prophet Jesus (pbuh). They strive on the way of God from morning to night. They have dedicated their lives to God.
Of course one must feel love and affection for such people. God says something very important about Christians: "You will find the people most affectionate to those who have faith are those who say, ´We are Christians.´" He says, “That is because some of them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant.” [Surat al-Ma'idah; 82]But their main feature is that they are humble and innocent, He says.” (Adnan Oktar, 29 October 2013, A9 TV)