Let us join hands to defeat the plot against the Mideast
Hidden agenda behind Mosul op
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have the staff of the Prophet Moses (as) and the Prophet Solomon's (as) ring
Surat al-A'raf; 95,97,99 (The grounds of devastation of peoples are generally their denying the messengers, their failure to take lessons from and heed afflictions befalling them, their growing arrogant and their cruelty)
Extremism in Britain, and how to tackle it
Ways of encouraging believers to do good
French People Do Not Believe In Evolution Any More
Darwinists do not talk about the soul as the soul cannot be explained in materialistic terms || Darwin’s Dilemma: The Soul
Insatiable desire for war
"The Qur"an Hour" on TV
Massive hail in june in Ankara
Interview With Harun Yahya
Religious Observances
Key To Democracy And Development In Yemen Education
The time has come for Cuba to embrace the world
“If we work for real democracy, we will reach real Islam because Islam offers true democracy.”
Don’t Let Terrorists Win
Turks and Armenians must put WWI pain behind them
The Death Throes Of Molecular Evolution Scenarios
The embodiment of perfection
The knot can be untied only through moral values
RAMADAN 2009 - The 18th Day