The Deceit That The Human Ability To Think Is The Same As That Of Other Living Things

The Deceit That The Human Ability To Think Is The Same As That Of Other Living Things

Unable to account for the human ability to think, Celal Sengor responded to a question on that subject with a superficial reply about animals also having the capacity. He claimed that the crow’s ability to extract food from a deep bowl or the way a monkey collects stones to protect itself against attackers is no different to the human ability to reason. But this is of course a huge deception

Unable to account for the human ability to think, Celal Sengor responded to a question on that subject with a superficial reply about animals also having the capacity. He claimed that the crow’s ability to extract food from a deep bowl or the way a monkey collects stones to protect itself against attackers is no different to the human ability to reason. But this is of course a huge deception. 

    -          Human beings are entities aware of their own existence, that are capable of thinking and saying “I exist” and “What am I?” Because human beings have a soul. And every conscious and rational human being is aware that he bears a sublime soul. If someone is able to reason, he realizes that it is the soul bestowed on him by Allah that does all this so long as he rejoices, thinks, decides, judges, is happy or excited, or feels love, suffers, doubts, enjoys the taste of an apple, takes pleasure from music, builds planes or skyscrapers or even studies man himself in the laboratory. 

    -          Human beings with their souls were not created haphazardly. There is a reason for their presence in the world. They bear the soul of Allah and are tested in this world. They will be held responsible for everything they do and think. Contrary to what Darwinists maintain, there are no random events, chance or purposelessness in their lives. Everything is created by the will of Allah and all these things are a part of the test. In this life that will end with death, only the body will be left behind. The soul, on the other hand, will live forever in the Hereafter, the true life it inhabits.
    -          Animals, on the other hand, are not aware of their own existence. They are unconscious entities that cannot reason and are not aware why they exist. Many animals possess very superior characteristics created by Allah. These abilities in animals unaware of their own existence are specially created in order to see Allah’s matchless artistry. When a crow tries to extract food from a bottle or a monkey amasses a pile of stone to protect itself against enemies and survive, they are behaving in a way inspired in them by Allah. But no matter how much one may try, no matter how much time passes, those creatures will never be able to design a plane, perform a chemical experiment, write a book, stand up at a dais and lead a conference or examine their own cells under the microscope in a laboratory.