Laetoli Human Footprints, The

Laetoli Human Footprints, The

A Laetoli footprint

In 1978, Mary Leakey discovered a number of footprints in a layer of volcanic ash in Laetoli in Kenya. These prints were employed as an important part of the evolutionist propaganda regarding the well-known fossil "Lucy" (See The Lucy Deceit,). Evolutionists portrayed the Laetoli footprints as concrete proof that Lucy-which they regarded as the common ancestor of man and ape-walked on two legs. It was announced that the prints were the same age as Lucy, approximately 3.6 millions years, and that they represented evidence of bipedalism.

The footprints were indeed of the same age as Lucy, they had clearly been left by a creature that walked upright. Yet there was no evidence to show that the prints belonged to Australopithecus afarensis, a supposed intermediate-form classification, like Lucy. They had evidently been left by a true human being.

The famous paleoanthropologist Tim White, who worked with Mary Leakey, said this on the subject:

Human footprints 3.6 million years old, found in Laetoli, Tanzania

Make no mistake about it . . . They are like modern human footprints. If one were left in the sand of a California beach today, and a four-year-old were asked what it was, he would instantly say that somebody had walked there. He wouldn't be able to tell it from a hundred other prints on the beach, nor would you.13

After examining the prints, Louis Robins from University of California said:

The arch is raised-the smaller individual had a higher arch than I do . . . The toes grip the ground like human toes. You do not see this in other animal forms.14

In short, it was impossible for these 3.6-million-year-old prints to belong to Lucy. Lucy had curved hands and feet and used her forearms when walking. She could not have left behind such prints, which can only belong to a human being. The only reason why they were thought to have been left by Australopithecus afarensis was the volcanic layer in which they were found, estimated as being 3.6 million years old. They were ascribed to A. afarensis from the idea that human beings could not have lived so far back in the past.

Independent examinations defined that 20 of the fossilized prints belonged to a 10-year-old human being, and 27 prints belonging to a younger human. These were definitely normal human beings, just like us. In other words, modern humans were living at a time in which evolutionists claim that our oldest ancestors were alive. In other words, man's ancestor is man!

13. Donald C. Johanson & M. A. Edey, Lucy, The Beginnings of Humankind, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1981, p. 250.
14. "The Leakey Footprints: An Uncertain Path," Science News, Vol. 115, 1979, p. 196.
