When God wills something to be, He gives it the order "Be" and it comes into being.
Humanity First. No to Hatred
Human beings were created to serve Allah
Allah meticulously cares for human beings – 1
The ""factor that makes human beings human"" error published in the Turkish daily Radikal
The creation of human beings from water
The Perfect Sense Of Smell In Human Beings
Allah meticulously cares for human beings – 2
Neanderthals: A Human Race
Technology is God's mercy on human beings!
Syria's Human Tragedy
Those who say that ''Communism is not a danger anymore'' are being deceived by the communists.
Keeping Human Rights Alive Where the Human Spirit is Dead
Being a woman in Afghanistan
Human Evolution Never Happened!
“The First Human”
From non-being to being
For the first time in the history of Islam, people are being mass-conditioned to think that ''The Prophet Jesus (as) will not return, and Hazrat Mahdi (as) will not come.''
Events in Myanmar are crime against Humanity
Humanity in the face of adversity
Allah's compassion for humans: Disease
Ethics, Humanity Fading Amid War
The Presidency Of Religious Affairs Is In Djemevı For The First Time
The first Islam Guide has been released in Spain
Europe Must Step Up for Humanity
Being a Muslim woman in Myanmar