A documentary called “Koala Quandary” was screened on National Geographic TV on 28 January, 2005. The documentary, whose subject matter was the Koala Bear, which lives in Australia, offered the following evolutionary fairy tale regarding the animal’s digestive system

A documentary called “Koala Quandary” was screened on National Geographic TV on 28 January, 2005. The documentary, whose subject matter was the Koala Bear, which lives in Australia, offered the following evolutionary fairy tale regarding the animal’s digestive system:

“In order to survive with such a weak diet, during the [alleged] evolutionary process koalas developed a metabolism that functioned very slowly and permitted foodstuffs to remain in their stomachs for a long time so that nutrients as many as possible can be absorbed.”

The Darwinist myth we are dealing with in this documentary consists of a tale produced using familiar but unscientific methods. What is being done here is resorting to simple word games that bring evolution to mind when describing the digestive metabolism in the koala and the advantage it gives the animal. In this way, description is turned into an evolutionist fairy tale, and evolutionist propaganda is being produced under a scientific mask. Freed from its Darwinist accretions, the information provided in the documentary should objectively be given as follows:

“Koalas have a metabolism that functions very slowly, and permits foodstuffs to remain in the stomach for a long time allowing nutrients as many as possible to be absorbed. This metabolism makes it easier for them to survive with such a weak diet.”

This claim concerning the koala has absolutely no scientific basis. Barbara Stahl, an authority on paleontology writes that the problem of koala evolution is far from being solved. (Barbara Stahl, Vertebrate History, Dover Publications Inc., 1985, p. 441)

We call upon National Geographic to abandon its efforts to keep the myth of koala evolution, for which there is no trace in the fossil record, alive by means of facile word games.

For further information about koalas, please visit:  http://www.evolutiondeceit.com/chapter18_2.php