United States Of America's daily newspaper Aaila The Muslim Family Magazine published Harun Yahya’s article "Instilling faith in our children" on September 21th 2014 You may read the article at the below link
Teach the children their faith well, says Bakiyev
Instilling Faith In Children
Instilling religious values in politics must for peace
Uniting in faith
Science Upholds Faith
Ramadan Rejuvenates The Faithful
Children And Ramadan With Harun Yahya
Ramadan rejuvenates the faithful
Millions of children used as labour
Devout Jews are our brothers, who hold to a sincere faith of the oneness of Allah, and entrusted to us by him
Signs Leading to faith
Believers must be cautious not to be deceived by hopelessness that satan wants to instill
Happiness is only possible with faith
The punishment for the Sexual Abusement of the Children is becoming heavier
The importance of the honored Sunnah to the faithful
Atrocities committed against children
The moral perfection conferred by perfected faith
Children are among the most vulnerable victims of conflict
"Faith in Finance" event at the St. Paul's Cathedral
Different Faiths and Cultures met at an Iftar in Denmark
The conscience of the people of perfected faith
Protect children, who are paying the highest price for wars