“Joining the Shanghai Group without having Islamic Union would mean joining Asia’s ruthless and bloodthirsty mafia”

“Joining the Shanghai Group without having Islamic Union would mean joining Asia’s ruthless and bloodthirsty mafia”



“We would never seek to join such a terrifying environment. The reason for our approaching the Shanghai Group is solely for it to be instrumental in Islamic Unity. Otherwise there is nothing about the Shanghai Union we could want. If you join the Shanghai Group without having Islamic Union, you will have joined the Asian mafia. The Shanghai Group is Asia’s ruthless and bloodthirsty mafia. It is Islam that will illuminate the world. And that can clearly only happen with the way of the Mahdi.”


A Turkish Union without the spirit of the way of the Mahdi, without the love and beauty of Islamic Unity, will not be that effective. Not like people imagine. We are now living in a kind of Turkish Union but that love needs to be installed. There are many Turkic republics now, and many people in Turkey have never even heard of them. They do not even know where the Turkic states are. Yet we should love them. It is wrong not to know where one’s brothers and children are. One must know where one’s parents and brothers are, and how they are living. One must love them and want to be with them and live with them. Only the Mahdi (pbuh) can bestow that spirit.

But if you join the Shanghai Group without having attained Islamic Union, you will have joined the Asian mafia. The Shanghai Group is Asia’s ruthless and bloodthirsty mafia.  Syria is part of the Shanghai team, for example, and is a totally psychopathic country; it sheds rivers of blood. Iran is also in the Shanghai team and it is a most ruthless country that limits its own people’s freedoms. Apart from that belief, it is very harsh and allows no breathing room for any other beliefs. It has that strange belief in the Mahdi, that it does not even believe itself, that it imposes on people. They say, “The Mahdi is everywhere, he is in everyone’s homes.” Everyone knows that is untrue, but nobody can say it.

Atheism is also widespread in Iran. India is in a total nightmare. The mafia run the majority of Turkic states, particularly Kazakhstan; Turkish businessmen are afraid to go there. They left behind their homes and possessions there and fled to Turkey, and cannot go back. If the mafia lays its hands on something, that is it. The mafia is above the state. The rule of law does not reign in those states. Courts, prosecutors, the police – they have nothing to do with it. Just the mafia. The mafia is above them all. So what happens if you forge an alliance with such a structure? If you do, you will be cheek by jowl with the mafia and you will surely sink. That would be very dangerous.

That is why alliances with the Turkic states should be based on the system of the Mahdi and the spirit of the Qur’an; on the love, affection, compassion, friendship and conception of art, science and beauty in the Qur’an. Without these, nothing will come of unification. There is the USA, those states are all united but half the population is in poverty. There are degenerates everywhere. Someone is killed every two or three minutes in America. There is a terrifying climate there. There are suicides every hour. Women are raped in India every minute. There are murders everywhere. Bombs go off in Pakistan. Murders in the Turkic states do not even get as far as the justice system. When there is a murder in the Turkic states, Kazakhstan for instance, the press never mention it, the justice system never gets involved.


We would never ask to join such a terrifying environment. What we ask for regarding Shanghai is in order to be instrumental in Islamic Unity. That is why we are approaching it. To be a doorway on the path to Islamic unity. Otherwise, a political Shanghai, a political NATO and a political UN are impoverishing the world. The world is full of suffering, bloodshed and tears. So there is nothing about it for us to desire. It is Islam that will illuminate the world; no happiness or peace is possible otherwise. And that can clearly only happen with the way of the Mahdi. (Adnan Oktar,  January 28th, 2013, A9 TV)

