It is impossible for the evolutionists to come up with an explanation for the formation of proteins
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Protein Synthesis is Impossible to Explain Through Evolutionary Mechanisms
The five essential conditions for protein formation
The invalidity of he claim that ""the probability calculations regarding protein formation are wrong""
A protein that prevents tumors in mother’s milk: The HAMLET Protein
The Evolutionist Scenario over “Homo naledi” Has Come to Nothing
Explanations from Surah Yunus
The evolutionist tradition of concealing fossils
Protein: the cell's most basic detail
Explanations from Surah Yusuf
Protein Production in the Cell
The invalidity of he claim that ''the probability calculations regarding protein formation are wrong''
Protein: The Cell’s Most Basic Detailprote
How is the Protein Produced?
The formation of hail, thunder and lightning
Protein synthesis in the cell is a miracle
""Spore:"" Further Pitiful Evolutionist Contortions
Reincarnation is impossible, according to the Qur'an || Noone can return
The Latest Instance of Evolutionist Dogmatism
The formation of petrol
Protein Cannot Form Unless The Cell Exists As An Integral Whole
Evolutionist Despotism in the United States
Protein cannot form unless the cell exists as an integral whole