Imagine for a moment that life in this world had stopped. What if all the billions of people in the world could stand still and look at  life in Hell for a few minutes?.. All the people in the U.S. stock exchanges, those shedding the blood of the innocent in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Syria, those cramming money into safe deposit boxes in European banks, people holding meetings in huge centers of business, those striving to perfect their bodies in gyms, those betraying the people closest to them for a tiny advantage in this world, those refusing to look their own brothers in the face because of disputes over their inheritance, those who become caught up in the life of this world and forget the hereafter, and those who dedicate themselves to having a good time...

Have you ever wondered how these people looking at the life of Hell for just a few minutes would react? At that moment those people would realize that there is an absolute end to the life of this world and that real life will in fact begin after death. The screen of heedlessness between the life of this world and the Hereafter will be lifted. And with death, people will see how hollow the life of this world is and how everything they so desired, all their money, possessions, husbands and wives, friends and careers will be left behind; everyone will suddenly fall silent, their hearts in their mouths. People eating will be unable to swallow, people speaking will be unable to finish what they are saying, people standing will have to sit down, people walking on the streets will fall down and people lying down will leap to their feet in excitement. Everyone, without exception, will see that there is no place in Hell for all the wealth, delights, luxury homes, yachts and everything else that people to yearn for in this world.

As for anyone who desires this fleeting existence, We hasten in it whatever We will to whoever We want. Then We will consign him to Hell where he will roast, reviled and driven out. (Surat al-Isra’, 18)

What about those people who turn their backs on their brothers for the sake of money, who strive throughout their lives to pile one fortune on top of another and refuse to spend that money for God’s approval, who do not feed the hungry, who do not protect the orphaned, and who spend their wealth on foul things instead? Will they not realize when they see Hell that all their money is of no value at all?

Money is only valid in the life of this world; it is of no use in Hell, even if one was the richest person in the world. Position is of no use either, even if one was once the most important person in the world. Even the most powerful friends and relatives in this world are of no use there. God reveals in the Qur’an that when people see the torments of Hell, they will all want to pay a ransom to avoid it.

Those who respond to their Lord will receive the best. But as for those who do not respond to Him, even if they owned everything on the earth and the same again with it, they would offer it as a ransom. They will receive an evil Reckoning. Their shelter will be Hell. What an evil resting-place! (Surat ar-Rad, 18)

What about people fighting all across the world, those raining bombs down on the innocent, those ruthlessly driving wretched women and children from their homes, those spreading evil for the sake of land or oil or gold or diamonds, those who fall out because of self-interest and those who incite civil strife and then watch from a distance? When these people see that there is an end to this world and look at Hell for just a few minutes, will they still continue fighting and slaughtering?

Of course not.

At the moment, as required by the test, there is an invisible screen between us and Paradise and Hell. It is such a heavy screen that nobody without faith, who does not know that this world ends in the Hereafter and who imagines that life consists solely of the life of this world can lift it for even a moment: That is why everything seems so important in this world for these people. Such people strive to claim their little share of this world at the expense of the eternal life of the Hereafter.

However, there is no such screen of heedlessness for the believer who turns to God with a sincere heart between the life of this world and the Hereafter. The believer has filled his heart with love and awe of God. He has dedicated his life to God. He says, "My prayer and my rites, my living and my dying, are for God alone, the Lord of all the worlds,” (Surat al-An’am, 162) and continues on that same straight path. There is no need for him to see Hell with his own eyes to believe in it. He sees it with his heart, since he already believes in it. In living with a deep faith during the life of this world, he knows that he is on the very shores of Paradise and Hell. That knowledge shapes his entire life.

No indeed, you will soon know!

Again no indeed, you will soon know!

No indeed, if you only knew with the Knowledge of Certainty,

you will certainly see the Blazing Fire!

Then you will certainly see it with the Eye of Certainty.

Then you will be asked that Day about the pleasures you enjoyed.

 (Surat at-Takathur, 3-8)

Hell happily swallows up the unbelievers, while the gates of Paradise will open wide for believers. Believers will then have an absolute and certain faith in the Hereafter without yet seeing it, and they will receive the reward for their sincerity for all time. There is no greater reward for a servant, of course, than God’s approval and love. A life spent with awareness and faith and reason will be fixed for all time in Paradise.

Their reward is with their Lord: Gardens of Eden with rivers flowing under them, remaining in them timelessly, for ever and ever. God is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him. That is for those who fear their Lord. (Surat al-Bayyina, 8)

Adnan Oktar's piece on Hiba Magazine: