He assumes all duties and helps the weak and lowly. (Muhyiddin Ibn ‘Arabi, Al-Futuhat al-Makkiyah, 366, Vol. 3, pp. 327-328)
Believers are responsible for the state of oppressed Muslims all over the world
All Muslims have a responsibility to free the Muslims of Nepal from a climate of fear and oppression
AL-MUZAKKEE - He Who Purifies His Servants (of all faults, shame, and spiritual impurity)
Qatar Crisis And Muslims’ Responsibility
Solidarity for all
Goodness in all
The Mahdi and his helpers
Response to the "Evolution of Snakes" Claim of Science Magazine
All Terrorists Are Darwinists
A Response to the "Homosexuality is Genetic" propaganda of the National Geographic
"a Response To Darwin: The Atlas Of Creation"
In his prayers a Muslim, due to his good morality, wants everything good that he wants for himself, also for his brothers.
Solidarity for All
Protecting those under persecution is the responsibility of every Muslim
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will have a mark on his head and a dark mole between his shoulders
AL-KHABEER - The All-Aware
Qur'an Panacea For All Problems
Believers' hearts are with Allah at all times and in all places
A believer is responsible for putting forth an unceasing effort until the end of his life. He does not stop making this effort saying 'anyhow I have resolved this'
AL- ‘ADHEEM - The All-Glorious
His Highness Imam Rabbani says that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will face the harsh reaction of some ignorant scholars because he will remove all the superstitions
The true friend is Allah who wants all goodness for his servants
Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be recognized by his dignity and majesty