Narrated to us Abdullah Ibn Abi Huzail: I asked Jafar Sadiq about the evidence of Mahdi. He said to me:

“Surely, its evidence is that he [Mehdi] is the proof upon the believers, the establisher of the affairs of the Muslims, speaks with the Qur'an, knower of Divine Laws, his caliph upon his nation, his successor upon them and his administrator who is unto the Prophet (s.a.w.s) as Harun (a.s) was to Musa (a.s). His obedience is obligatory as per the saying of Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He:

his successor upon them and his administrator who is unto the Prophet (s.a.w.s) as Harun (a.s) was to Musa (a.s).

(Kamal-Al-Deen, Chapter 33, Hadith 9)