What He Said?What Happened?

In his conversation programs, Mr. Adnan Oktar has been saying for years that the PKK follows a policy based on fear in the Southeast region, that our Kurdish brothers are not free, that they remain silent in the face of the PKK’s threats because their lives are in danger and that they have no choice but to vote for them.

A columnist for the Vatan newspaper, Gungor Mengi, repeated this fact which Mr. Oktar always reminds his viewers of, and wrote that our Kurdish citizens are forced to vote with fear and pressure.

October 30th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: If there is no force of arms the problem will be solved immediately. But you hold them at gunpoint and kill their children so they are afraid. The reason that they vote for the HDP is their fear of arms, fear of the PKK. They ask, “Who did you vote for?” They feel an obligation to tell due to fear. They also say, “Go out in the public and tell for whom you will vote.” And the man shouts out, “I will vote for the HDP.” And he says, “Everyone should vote for them.” And he cannot take it back. What could he say? “I lied about this, don’t vote for them?” They would hang him right there.

A9 TV: February 24th, 2014

ADNAN OKTAR: To tell the truth, Ocalan was long forgotten. Ocalan was made to sit on his chair with support again. Abdullah Ocalan is one of the people who is feared the most in the Middle East. I’m telling the truth that there is not even ten people who sincerely like him. It is all based on fear, violence and propaganda. If you give Abdullah Ocalan pictures to everyone and say, “Go out to the public with this picture,” they say, “I love him a lot.” But no one does. No one cares about or sees him as a leader. He is an imprisoned man. He cannot be a leader and he cannot get out of prison.

March 30th, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: Tayyip hodja must give a solid guarantee to our brothers in the Southeast region, a guarantee of life. Pulling out the police force, the soldiers from there and decreasing security measures would lead many people to fear and respect the PKK’s power. There must be great protection there as well. The police, military and gendarme forces must be active. Especially civilian protection forces. If the people feel safe, they would vote for whatever political party they wish. If they have the means to freely express their choice through votes, the Saadet party and the MHP would get many votes in the Southeast region. The CHP also as well as the AK Party;it would be a reflection of Turkey in general.

April 3rd, 2014: A9 TV

ADNAN OKTAR: What does self-autonomy and federation mean? It means division. Why was there blood spilled in the Southeast? It was to stop  division. What is the PKK’s goal? It is division. Otherwise what do they fight for? Why did the PKK spill so much blood then? Why did tens of thousands of terrorists go up the mountains? Now the PKK is continuously getting stronger, developing projects and continuing its propaganda in the public. But the state’s law enforcement forces, the military forces have to provide the people with protection and complete safety. There should not be any fear of the PKK. There is fear . Why is this? It is because of the PKK’s domination. There are PKK members everywhere. They did not leave arms but there were new recruits. They developed new strategies. They found new placements. And they scared the people more. But now there are no bombings. They already made people accept them. They accepted their strength and position. After they declare autonomy they can hold a referendum and say, “We are free, take the police and military away from here.” It is this clear. Federation is a polite word for this. The state cannot be federal. The state is the state.

September 22nd, 2010: Samsun Aks TV

ADNAN OKTAR:  Our people do not wish to be divided. Our people in the Southeast region and our brothers only seem to be accepting this due to threats and fear. None of them accepts this. For example, children did not go to school in some regions. How could they? Now think about it: At night they can come to your home and destroy it, assassinate you, they can do anything. So our brothers and people in the Southeast are fed up with this. And they hate the PKK a lot as well as the Ergenekon organization. They hate both of them. The Ergenekon organization introduced itself as the state to them and said, “We are the state and we are doing this in the name of the state.” They posed as the state and provoked our citizens against the state. They tried to create the image, “Look the state is crushing you like this and harming and hurting you like this.” Our people and brothers there have just understood the game played there. They just grasped the fact that the state is very merciful and compassionate and the Ergenekon organization was the one doing these crimes.

September 20th, 2010: Adıyaman Asu TV

ADNAN OKTAR:  Now what does the PKK say? “Turkey is not my motherland.” Where is your motherland? They say, “Mardin and Siirt.” How did you come up with this? Who gave you this permission? There is no such thing. Ask the people living there. Ask our people. Ask them. Ask us. Ask everyone. If you hold the man at gunpoint, what could he say? He is saying this due to fear. They make people speak due to fear. They pull a gun on them and take all their money. If they say, “They gave their money willingly to us, what is it to you?” what are we going to say? Now they held the people captive here. You seize their ideas, you seize their freedom. You hold a gun at them and they give you whatever they have. And you say, “He gave his money willingly. What is it to you?” And they ask them, “Did you not give it to me willingly?” What could he say as they hold a gun at his head? He says, “Of course I did.” Just take that weapon away and ask them.


November 13th, 2014: Vatan

A columnist for the Vatan newspaper, Güngör Mengi, wrote that our Kurdish brothers are forced to vote against their will due to fear and pressure.

“Everyone who takes part in such matters know this:

The terrorist organization forces Kurdish citizens who live in the Southeast to vote for Kurdish separatist parties through threats.

The electors of the polls who don’t give out the expected results are targets of heavy slander and even bullets.

They cannot achieve the same success in regions that are not suitable to such fear.

This is the reason..”