Harun Yahya's works, fossil and poster exhibitions that refute the theory of evolution drew great attention at the 24th annual Moscow Book Fair held in Russia between the 7th and 12th of September, 2011.
Mr. Vladimir Zhironovsky, the Founder and President of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia and the Vice President of the Duma (the Russian Parliament), visited the Harun Yahya stand at the fair and is very familiar with the works of Harun Yahya, was presented with some of Harun Yahya's books. Also amongst those who visited the Harun Yahya stand was Ms. Mirit Vaks, the First Secretary of the Russian Ambassador to Israel, and President of Russian Culture and Information Service of Israel. Additionally, Dr. Michael Greenberg who is the owner of the publishing house of the Gishrey Tarbut Organization, and was at the fair as a representative of the state of Israel, also stopped by.
Mr. Vladimir Solovyov, one of the most prominent authors and journalists of Russia, was presented with the Atlas of Creation. Mr. Solovyov who is the producer of one of the most widely watched political programs of Russia, stated that the theory of evolution was a deceit while answering a question. Harun Yahya's works, which were the focus of attention throughout the fair, were presented to many official and prominent representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Mr. Vladimir Zhironovsky, the Founder and President of the Liberal Democratic Party
of Russia and the Vice President of the Duma (the Russian Parliament)

Mr. Vladimir Solovyov, one of the most prominent authors and journalists of Russia,
and the producer of one of the most widely watched political programs of Russia

Dr. Michael Greenberg representing the Gishrey Tarbut Organization, Israel

Ms. Mirit Vaks, the President of Russian Culture and Information Service of Israel