The 1st Val d’Oise Muslim Fair (1er Salon Musulman du Val d'Oise) was held in the city of Pontoise, France between the 15th and 16th of September 2012. During the fair, which was attended by prominent Islamic thinkers such as Sheikh Salah, Mosaad Anouar, Abdellah Alboukhrai, Mohamed Sawi, Mr. Adnan Oktar’s books and samples of living fossils were displayed at the ASN Foundation (Association Sciences de la Nature) stand. The stand, which received much attention, was also visited by l'Hopital Avicenne de Paris Imam Mr. Said Ali Koussay. Mr. Said Ali Koussay, who is the vice-president of GAIC (Unity of Islam-Christianity Brotherhood) one of the most important institutions of France for developing relations between Muslims and Christians, noted that he always reads the works of Mr. Adnan Oktar with great appreciation, appreciates his works throughout the world and recommends everyone to read Mr. Oktar’s works.

l'Hopital Avicenne de Paris Imam Mr. Said Ali Koussay